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I kick my car's tyre in annoyance and grunt. Nothing's working and I have literally burnt my hand in attempts to get my car started. Should've known better to not touch the bonnet and lift it up and touch the insides of the car with bare hands.

I huff and look around the free way only to find that not even a single car is visible in the dark. Why would anyone even be on the road at 2 AM anyways? I sit inside my car and rest my head on the headrest while my eyes stay closed, my tiredness getting the best of me.

I open my sleepy eyes and shake my head before turning up the radio, in hopes to hear her voice. Some old song plays and I know she is done with her job already. I scoff when I remember the busy day I had today and I couldn't get enough sleep last night. I am more sad about not getting to hear her voice today, which was the only thing I had been looking forward to all day. But sadly, it just worsened my day when I had skipped my radio time because of my work.

A car speedily passes by and I frantically get put of mine.

"Hey!" I yell but they don't stop. But suddenly a loud rumble rips through the sky and in the blink of an eye it starts raining.

"Thank you! Wow this is just what I wanted!" I shout and push back my wet hair that fell on my forehead. Going back in the car could be a bad idea because if I'll be inside then I won't get a ride. Hence, I decide to stand in the rain and...enjoy.

The droplets hit the road and back as the rain fogs up my vision, but I see two lights shining through the blur. They come closer and I can say that it's a car. A grin plasters my face as I wave my hand and the car comes to a halt.

The window slides down and I look in to see my beautiful saviour of a neighbour.

"Oh hey look who it is!" She grins and her face as if brightens up. Well, so does mine.

"Yeah it's me do you mind dropping me my-"

"Get in first oh my God you're drenched." She opens the door and I scurry in. I shut the door behind me and she starts driving. The air conditioning in her car was on which made me scrunch my nose up to stop the sneeze building up.


She speaks but I cut her off by sneezing.

"Excuse me." I smile sheepishly and rub my cold hands together.

"Bless you. Oh oh shit sorry I'll turn the heat up." She frantically turns the heat all the way up and I chuckle.

"Thank you."

"You were saying," she says while her eyes stay focused on the road as the wipers move back and forth.

"Yeah," I sniff. "My car broke down and it's late already. And I'm sorry I'm getting your seats wet."

She smiles and shakes her head before reaching her hand behind and getting a tissue box from somewhere.

"Here. And it's alright I don't mind."

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