Chapter 5

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Warning bad language


Hikari POV

I woke up first which was really odd. I woke up Kimiko and Mayumi. They looked surprised and we smiled. We all did a victory dance and looked at Kyoko. She was red and breathing intensely

"Kyoko Time to wake up" I said worriedly as she opened her eyes slowly

"I'm sorry for not being the big sister you wanted Hikari" said Kyoko which shocked me. She had a sad look in her eyes

"What did she said" said Kimiko as they were also shocked as well

"Kyoko is being nice to me........ITS THE END OF THE WORLD RUN FOR YOUR LIVES" I said as I walked around the room in a panic. I stopped and looked at Kyoko. I went to her and felt her forehand. Suddenly when I put my hand on her forehead, my hand got burned.

"WTH her head feels like the sun. Hot hot" I said as I ran to the bathroom and put my hand under the tap. I walked out and with a bandage wrapped around my hand. I glared at Kyoko but went back to the bathroom to get a cold towel. I put it on Kyoko's forehead and we left to the kitchen. Everyone was already there looking at us.

"Hika what happen to your hand" said Ollie as I blushed

"Did you do something stupid ragazza" said Luciano as I glared at him

"We heard screaming from your room" said Allen

"It just Kyoko" said Mayumi as she went to the table

"What happen to Kyoko" said Ollie

"She have a fever and that's why my hand is burnt. She was acting really different which made me shocked" I said

"Hah Lies. You just thought of an excuse" said Luciano as I growled until we heard at thump at the back garden. We ran to the back garden to see Kyoko giggling on her bottom.

"That was fun lets do it again" said Kyoko as she stood up to face us. She was beet red and she giggled to much which annoyed me so much.

"Good morning~ How's your morning so far~ oh look at the beautiful sky and you can hear the birds sing~ la la la la~" she said as you could see flowers pop up behind her. She walked over to a tree and climbed it.

"I'm on top of the world~ I wonder if I could fly" she said as she jumped off the tree. Me, Mayumi and Kimiko catch Kyoko before she fell. We heard them laughed because we fell and landed on our bottom which we had a few scraps on our arm. Kyoko opened her eyes and sawed us hurt. She started to cry and became chibi which weird. She hit our chest as she cried.

"Baka Baka Baka Baka. I don't know what to do wenn ich verliere euch . Ti voglio bene idioti" said chibi Kyoko as she fell asleep. I didn't want to touch her face so I grabbed her by the arms.

"Could some of you translate what she said" I said as I dragged

"Baka means stupid in my language" said Kuro

"Wenn ich verliere euch means if I lose you guys in my language" said Lutz

"Ti voglio bene idioti means I love you idiots for friends or family members in my language" said Luciano and Flavio

"Thank you for the translations. So could you guys be nice guys to help me carry Kyoko upstairs" I said

"I'll do it" said Luciano as he hooded her like a child

"Just be careful that you don't touch the face" I said as we walked to the room. I heard Kyoko said something but I think only me and Luciano could hear it.

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