Why The Long Face?

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Zach was having a very odd day today.

He thought it was due to the fact his door was broken in half this morning. But he brushed it off, it was possibly a result of a nightmare he had last night.

Things got REALLY odd when he noticed the hoofprints scattered around the floor. Dents in the floorboards, and one or two holes in the walls of the hallway really had his gears turning. Was this another one if Naomi’s freaky pets? She did mention a horse her father rode....

Zach didn't like the idea of a massive six legged horse running around and causing more destruction than both of them. He groggily shuffled down the hall and into the kitchen, searching for his housemate.

“Naomi.” he called, rubbing his eyes. His already tired mind was irritated by her lack of response. “Naomi! Get your damn horse under control!” he snapped.

A distant neigh turned his attention towards the beaten door of the kitchen. He rubbed his temples, bracing himself for whatever Asgardian craziness Naomi brought home. He sauntered to the door, harshly slamming it open with a palm.

“You brought home a giant wolf. I can handle a giant wolf. I DRAW THE LINE AT A HORSE-”

His green eyes widened at the gray mare trotting around the kitchen.

Now, Zach has seen some crazy things. He lives with a Norse goddess, a Norse goddess with enough strength to easily chuck a 16 wheeler from here to Texas. For Pete’s sake, he mutates into an enormous green rage monster if he throws a temper tantrum. But when a horse that looks way too much like that same Norse goddess start walking around the house and knocking things over.....that's very new.

The mare had a stormy gray pelt, freckled with starry white spots around her flanks. Her mane was too wildly familiar, with the way it hung down to her shoulders. The thing that screamed this was no coincidence, was the lightning-like streak of bright blonde hair dancing down her long face. He also had NEVER seen a horse with sparkling blue eyes, so that's definitely new as well.

“Jesus Christ.” he muttered, eyes still wide. The mare snorted, trotting over towards the fridge, sniffing at a blank sticky note. She scrambled around, clumsily picking up a pencil with her wide, white teeth. Great. The horse is trying to write.

“......I swear to your father, if you write down ‘It’s me’, I’m gonna scream.” he said, massaging his head.

The mare narrowed her eyes, attempting the trace a word with the pencil between her lips. Of course it looked like a nearsighted 2 year-old’s handwriting, but it was indeed legible.


It was Naomi, alright.

“I'm sorry, who’s the horse right now?” he raised a brow. She snorted in annoyance as he started to laugh.

“I need a minute....” he chuckled, covering his mouth slightly. Naomi stamped her hoof down, letting out a loud whinny, glaring. “You're a HORSE right now, I can't hear you swearing at me.” he laughed.

The mare reared back on her hind legs, pawing at the air with her hooves. She slammed them back down, inches away from his bare toes. The floor cracked under her mighty hooves, charged with the god-like lightning she always emits. His hair was blown back by the wind from her nostrils.

Zach blinked, taken aback by the apparent threat.

“No laughing....got it.” he gulped. Although she was still his height, her nose reaching his face, she was still a goddess. A four legged horse goddess. He ran his hand through his hair, ruffling it back up to its usual messy state.

“So....do I even ask how this happened?” he sighed. Naomi looked around for a symbol. She brushed past him, hooves clopping against the floorboards. With her teeth, she bit the corner of a soft, plush teddy, turning back towards him. He raised a brow in interest.

The teddy bear had an annoying little helmet on with curling golden horns. The dark green coat and pants, along with the plastic scepter in his right hand, gave Zach a migraine. He HATED that teddy so much. Well....really, he hated the person it was modeled after.

“Loki...” he growled at the name. Naomi snorted, nodding her equine head.

“He had nothing else to do, so he came over her and turned his sister into a freakin pony.”

Naomi stamped a hoof. She was no PONY, she was a majestic horse! Zach chuckled at her distress.

“....before I go smash that punk’s head into the street, I gotta ask...” he grinned. Naomi narrowed her eyes, already knowing the joke all too well.

“So, an Asgardian horse walks into a bar-”

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2017 ⏰

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