Chapter VI - Separation Anxiety

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Xavier had not expected to meet anyone new just yet and eyed Paul suspiciously as the four fled together down a staircase beside the earlier exploded elevator. The wreckage proved too great to shift through for a means of getting to the underground parking lot quickly, Xavier pointed out just moments earlier, so Mox'xy casually pointed beside him to the stair case. Two twenty step flights of stairs later, and they would arrive n the first parking garage.

"Anyone have any idea what's going on?" Mox'xy questioned as the floor reached the doorway leading to the first floor Jerom had parked on. At this Paul began to frown.

"Sadly, I think this is my bad." Paul began as Jerom led them all to his hover-van. "I'm being bounty hunted." he stated smugly as they arrived to the vehicle.

"Wha...What?" Jerom clamored slightly. Paul had always been the reckless type, but to be bounty hunted was not an easy feat. "Do you at least know why?" he tried to stop his voice from cracking in fear.

"Yep. I'm a Georges!" Paul exclaimed proudly, leaping into the front passenger seat of the cargo hover van. Jerom and Mox'xy traded quick, perturbed glances to each other at the response.

"You know what?" Mox'xy looked at the sweaty Jerom, his balding head glistening. "I'll drive. You don't look like you handle well under pressure." She began, "plus this gives me a chance to flirt." the sassy Linuq proclaimed, snatching Jerom's keys from his hand.

"Guess we're in her back." Xavier stated, putting Jerom on the shoulder and climbing in. Jerom followed. As Mox'xy started the engine Xavier looked at the back of the hover-van, listening intently on the conversation around him.

"So... What brings you guys to my wonderful city?" Paul questioned, never taking his eyes off the beautiful Linuq's face. She tried her best to concentrate her attention forward, but she was wired to revel at the attention.

"I came looking for you actually!" Jerom yelled above the hum of the engine as Mox'xy sped from the entrance of the Pink Pussy's underground lot. "I picked the kid up, hitchhiking along the way!" he concluded, hinting at Xavier realized his chance.

"I'm a thrill seeker!" Xavier lied. "I got stung by a Pon'Ly bee just before Jerom found me and offered me a ride... no reason to leave the thrills now!"

"Oh, so in New Genesis?" Mox'xy hinted a question.

"I was taking a break before heading into the forest that night!" Xavier answered. Mox'xy slowed the vehicle as they reached the main streets, during controlled and steady. The burning Pink Pussy was now blocks behind them.

"Knew a place we can get off the streets, gorgeous?" Mox'xy smiled at Paul. The joke had registered and he smiled back. Jerom just rolled his eyes.

Paul directed her to stand alone, underground parking lot a few blocks away from them. Mox'xy drove the hoover-van to the first level and parked, allowing them to discuss just what to do next.

"Alright. What bounty hunters are after you, and who hired them?" Mox'xy looked toward Paul as she cut the engine.

"Well the bounty hunters... Paul paused. "I have to say, I don't know." he finished, disappointing Mox'xy. But the man who hired them is Kyle Talent. At this Mox'xy let out a guff and Jerom spat out in disgust. Xavier just sat back and listened.

"Talent? As in the talent family?" Jerom questioned in disbelief. Mox'xy continued laughing.

"The very nerve." Paul struggled. Mox'xy ceased her laughing and took hold of Paul by his collar.

"You got us all mixed up with the Talent family affairs and you"re being nonchalant?" she growled. Paul stared at her and shrugged.

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