Chapter V - Casino Royale

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 Jerom felt at ease in New Tropolis. Perhaps it was all the neon lights, and flashy constructs that made up the city. Or perhaps it was the lustful women, greedy gamblers, and gluttonous big shot that frequented there. Nobody lived in New Tropolis by choice. You either worked there to pay off your debt or you became a permanent fixture in the ground. Jerom knew this all too well. As he drove through the main streets of the carnival like city, he wondered which debt his old running mate hadn't payed off. He also thought about using his new companion to pay off that debt. If all else failed, he could always rob Xavier.

"Know a place we can get my payment?" Jerom said breaking the long silence between himself and Xavier. Xavier looked at himself and shrugged.

"I've never been here." Xavier started, and then looked back out his window. The bright lights and people seemed to captivate Xavier to Jerom. In truth, Xavier was just plotting his next move. Jerom decided to keep his silence. The sooner he got where he was going, the sooner he could ask someone for directions.

The history of New Tropolis is a very colorful one. One filled with deceit and lies as well as betrayal and revenge. The truth is that if not for the actions of one man, New Tropolis might have been a very different city. But time is not a thing that can be reversed and actions cannot be taken back, thus, New Tropolis belonged to the powerful and corrupt. Jerom knew certain people with connections, and some even that knew the family that truly ran the city...the Talents, but he knew one man even more special. The son of the man who gambled New Tropolis away. That man's name is Paul Georges.

Paul lived somewhere in the city from what Jerom knew. Where however was the problem. He knew that Paul was only interested in three things and that narrowed down his search, women money and himself. The city was filled with people like that, but Paul had a taste for the finer things in life. That meant that he was probably gambling in one of the many triple X casinos off one of the main avenues. Jerom decided it would be best to park and start searching on foot, but first he had to get his pay from this brat.

Jerom traversed into the diamond district of the city and drove into the underground parking lot of the Pink Pussy; a casino known for its slot machines and nude women. Gambling was a universal pass-time, so the human arrivals had no true difficulty adapting and building New Tropolis. Even at a young age, Jerom thought of gambling as a way of life, and here in New Tropolis that was true. Parking in the large underground lot, Jerom and Xavier got out of the hover-van and walked toward a nearby elevator, they still held an uncomfortable silence with each other.

"You don't talk much?" Jerom questioned Xavier finally.

"Nope" Xavier responded. Their relationship was proceeding well.

Entering the elevator, Xavier memorized the number of buttons, 42 in total. Jerom pressed number three of the set; the lobby.

"Alright kid," Jerom spat. "if you're playing me, I'll kill you....or better yet, make you wish you were dead." Jerom threatened, pointing at the golden eyed, dark skinned youth. There was a pause of silence as the elevator doors closed and the elevator began its ascent.

"You'll get what's coming to you, I assure you." he said with a smirk, turning back to the elevator doors. As they opened, Jerom's jaw dropped and Xavier just continued smirking, reaching into his jacket pocket to dawn his reflective glasses.

The doors had opened to reveal a plethora of gambling events occurring all around a large hall. Slots, various card games including human known poker, even simple games of chance. It was a gambler paradise and more. Jerom couldn't help but slobber as a gorgeous, naked, human waitress walked by the elevator. For as many people gambling, there were at least two beautiful waitresses sashaying around the floor, entertaining men and women alike. Jerom felt like he had died and gone to heaven.

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