Painless // Soulmate AU | OOR's Toru

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So this is an AU (Alternate universe) for all you newbies and basically i looked up prompts and found one by the lovely @silentpeaches on tumblr. basically in this one-shot/ imagine/ scenario, whatever you want to call it you and your soulmate can share pain. Comment if you like it! ✨💕

It always fascinated you how it worked, being able to take away your lover's pain. Sacrificing yourself to help your soulmate out. It was beautiful. The first time you had ever used it on your beloved Toru was when he was sent to hospital for fatigue. The doctors don't really mind if people do it but it becomes quite a hassle when they have to change the person they are treating. Toru was led on the floor, sweat pouring out at a inhuman pace and his muscles becoming weak and incapable. His breathing was uneven, like he was suffocating. You rested his head on your thighs and held his hand tightly. Asking to be switched. It was too painful seeing him in this situation, you were worried and you hated seeing everyone scurrying around to help. You knew that he would of done the same for you in a heartbeat. Your body felt loose, pain crawling through your veins and every nerve. You were trying to stay conscious. As soon as Toru had realised what you had done when what he was experiencing left, his heart raced.
"Y/N!" He panicked. Picking you up in his arms and trying his hardest to make it easy for you to breathe. "Why did you do it?" A worried expression plastered his face and he didn't know what to do, he had to watch you suffer. It couldn't be reversed. You held Toru's hand tightly. Preying for strength to get through this. He kissed your temple and the paramedics rushed around hooking Toru up to a drip whilst he comforted his lover. They couldn't do anything for the pain. Now that it had been transferred, medication would do nothing. "Idiot." He said kissing your temple continuously. He relaxed his body and concentrated on getting his body back to full strength so that you wouldn't feel anymore pain.
"I love you." You said sloppily, your body frozen.
"I love you more, idiot." He sighed.


Which leaves you to where you are now. You two have been 'mated' for nearly two years, which is the equivalent of marriage but starts as soon as you meet. You are currently 8 1/2 months pregnant with a baby girl and becoming more agitated with it as the hours pass. I mean it was Toru's fault you got in this state in the first place.

~ Flashback ~

You were in the 'living room' of the tour bus. The beautiful blonde guitarist on top of you. The whole of the band and crew were sleeping leaving you and Toru to have some alone time. His hand crept up your shirt, his head buried into your neck leaving kisses and all different types of love bites there. His hips were pressed hard against yours. "Wait." You said pushing his shoulders upwards to look into his face and stop him from going any further.

"I want to." He said through the darkness. "Please." he whispered.

"I'm nervous." He placed a tiny kiss to you cheek before carrying on.

"Don't worry, baby." He reassured. "I'll take care of you. I'll be safe."

"I trust you, Toru."

~ A Week Later ~

You were shaking, violently. Tears were pouring out of your eyes and you didn't know what to do. Why did you trust that boy? You were only 25, how were you supposed to raise a kid. And with Toru touring all the time your not going to be able to come along and bring a child. Speaking of that where is Toru going to be during their childhood. You were deep in thought when he interrupted you.
"Baby what's wrong?" He panicked, pulling you into a tight embrace. He held your head into his hard chest and wrapped his arms over your shoulders. In between kisses on top of your head you said.
"Toru, I'm pregnant." You slapped his chest sloppily and tried pushing him away, you felt slightly betrayed.
"What?!" He asked, shocked.
"Why did you do this to me? I'm so, so scared." you cried.
"Holy shit." he exclaimed, his eyes watering up. "Fuck."


"Toru! Please help me! Why did you do this? It hurts so bad!" You cried in agony. Tears were rolling down your face. The pain of childbirth was unbearable.
"It's okay baby." He was holding onto your hand and he couldn't help but feel like he was 100% responsible for you feeling this. He held tight and asked to be changed. You thanked the god when you felt the pain leaving you completely til you realised Toru fell to the floor in pain.
"Ow! Holy fucking shit. Oh my god, ow!" He was clutching his stomach and rolling around on the floor. "Ahh, this fucking kills." He held in the tears and his legs were kicking out everywhere as an attempt to rid the pain.
"Awe, baby." Although it was sad seeing him in pain, you were happy that you weren't the one having to deal with it. Before long your little Y/D/N was born. Toru was incredibly worn out from all that flailing around and was almost passed out on the floor.
"Thank god it's over." He sighed, relieved.
"Thank you so much." You grinned, all of your pains had worn away and now you were just filled with happiness from the newborn.
"She's beautiful." He awed, standing up and taking a seat by your side. You cradled the baby in your arms keeping you warm as her part/full? Japanese eyes looked up at you. "I love her so much already." He sighed.
"Well done, you did good." You giggled kissing him on the cheek.
"Thank you," he accepted. "But I'm not taking the pain for our second one."
"Second?" You asked suspiciously, raising your eyebrows with interest.
"Yes, but not for some time." He nodded.

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