Chapter 5

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"ZAYN!" I yelled running to him.

He smiled brightly and opened his arms to which I happily ran into.

"I know you don't like people touching your hair but I wanna. Can I BBBZ? Pwease?" I asked giving him puppy dog eyes.

He laughed and nodded. I grinned and ran my hand thru the raven colored quiff. 

"I like your hair Zayn. And you're even cuter in person than in the videos and pictures. Oh my God I sound like I'm fangirling. Come on lets go." I said, digging into my pocket for the keys.

He picked up his bag and followed me to my car.

"You get in on the right side of the car." I told him as we walked outside.

"But I can't drive."

I giggled. "I know. But the left side is the drivers side BBBZ."


"I know. It's the other way around in England."

We got in my car and he turned the radio on. 

"You're insecure, don't know what for-"

Zayn laughed. "It's out here too?"

I nodded. I didn't sing along just yet. 

I drove back to my house tapping my fingers on the steering wheel. 

"So C-come on, you got it wrong. To prove I'm right I put it in a so-o-ong. I don't why, you're being shy and turn away when I look into your e-ey-es."

"Whoa." Zayn said. I looked over at him.



"What about me BBBZ?"

"GGGJ you sound amazing!"

"What do you mean?"

"You were singing. And you sounded amazing."

I blushed. I sang out loud with him in the car? Great. Just great.

He smiled. "You cute when you blush."

I blushed again. "Ok Zayn stop making me blush. We're here."

He followed me in where the majority of my stuff was packed. We boxed up everything else and sent it ahead of us. 

"Zayn I've only got one bed. So, if this doesn't bother you, you'll have to crash on it with me." I said blushing at the thought of Zayn Malik sleeping in the same bed as me.

"It's fine. Are you sure you'll be ok with that?" He asked.

I nodded. I let out a big yawn and Zayn smiled. "Ok. Well it looks like its bedtime."

I nodded again and walked up the stairs.

I pulled on my pj bottoms and stripped off my t-shirt leaving my tank top on. I crawled into the big bed and rolled onto my left side. 

"Do you mind if I take my shirt off? I normally don't sleep in one." He said, slightly blushing.

"It's fine Zayn."

He pulled off his polo and awkwardly climbed in beside me.

He closed his eyes then mumbled. "If you wake up and I've got my arm thrown around you I'm sorry. I tend to cuddle with people."

I giggled. "Same. Don't freak if you wake up with me on your chest."

"S'fine." He mumbled. "I'd prefer it truthfully."

I smiled and scooted closer to him. "So you don't mind this?" I asked as I laid my head on his chest.

"Nope." He said wrapping his arms around me. 

I snuggled my face into his chest and fell asleep.

When I woke up Zayn had his arms tightly around me, our legs intertwined and my arms slung around his neck. 

Light snores emitted from his slightly parted lips. I looked at the clock then shook him awake.

"Bradford Badboi get up. What time are we leaving for your, I mean, our flat?"

He groaned and shook his head. "I don't want to get up. Can I not just sleep here in this bed with a beautiful angel on my chest?"

I blushed bright red. "Zayn I'm not beautiful and I'm not an angel. We can't miss our flight. What time does it leave?"

"No." he said stubbornly then fell asleep again.

I groaned then an idea popped into my head. "All the mirrors in the world are gone! We're never gonna see ourselves again!"

"WHAT?!" He shouted shooting up keeping me locked into his grip where I was on his chest.

I laughed. "Now that I have your attention we've got to get up. Gotta get ready to leave for our flight." 

He glared at me slightly. "That was not funny."

"Yes it was. Now please stop glaring at me and get ready Mr. Malik!" I said, begrudgingly upwrapping his arms from around my waist.

He huffed and got up and we hailed a taxi to the airport.

To: Sadie

I know your asleep and its better this way, i cant take a tearful goodbye. by the time you read this i'll either be on the plane or already at my new place with my penpal Z. Will miss you lots sadiecakes

*GeorgiaGoodGirl Jasmine*

I sighed as I sent it looking out the window of the plane waiting on it to take off. 

"Hey you ok?" Zayn asked.

I nodded. "Never flown before. I'm a little nervous."

"It's fine. You can hold my hand if you get scared."

I smiled up at him. "Okay."

The plane took off and I held on to Zayn's hand tightly. Later into the flight I fell asleep on his shoulder.

When we landed he turned to me as we waited to get off the plane. "The paparazzi already follow us boys around. They'll bomb you with questions. Ignore them." 

I nodded. He kept a tight grip on my hand and we walked to get our luggage. Just after we got it we heard "Zayn! ZAYN!"

He groaned slightly. "Told you."

He kept his head foward and marched us straight out ignoring them and they're fast clicking cameras.

I was overwhelmed and cowered into his side. We got in the taxi and I sighed. "Wow. That's insane!"

He nodded. "Told you." He repeated. 

He gave the taxi driver the directions to our flat and we arrived ten minutes later. We took the elevator up to the third floor and walked in the door. I let out a squeak as I was suddenly taken away from Zayn into some unknown's arms.

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