Chapter 4

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I awaken quite early the next morning, almost too early for my liking. I lie awake in my bed for a moment, wondering what today will be like. Will any of my newfound friends be in my classes? What will the teachers be like? Or the other students, for that matter?

Brushing my hair from my face, I groggily sit up and check my watch before rising and dressing quietly in my uniform. Just as I'm putting on my boots, I notice Artemis begin to stir as she opens her eyes and glances over at me. "Hello, there, Sleeping Beauty," I joke with an amused smile as I'm running a brush through my hair.

Artemis laughs sleepily. "Morning to you too, Lena." As she gets up and begins making her bed, someone knocks lightly on our door. I open it to see Evelyn.

"Hey, Lena," she says brightly, flashing a friendly smile. "Can I come in?"

"Artemis?" I check with her, earning a nod. "Yeah, sure. come on in. Your hair looks nice, by the way."

Evelyn's hair is in a messy bun, with a few loose strands framing her face. In addition to her uniform, she's wearing a black choker necklace with a small seashell charm hanging from it. In her hand is a small blue bag with what appears to be makeup inside. "Thank you. I was wondering if I could do your makeup?"

"Sure," I say. "Artemis just has to finish getting ready first."

"Of course." Evelyn turns to face the wall so that Artemis can change into her uniform, with me assisting once again with her bodice. Evelyn begins to root through her makeup bag while she waits. "So, Artemis, I'll do yours first. What are your two favourite colours?"

"Black and purple," answers Artemis. "Okay, ready."

"And you like really thick eye makeup, am I right?" asks Evelyn. Artemis nods. "Alright, here we go." Evelyn, it seems, is very skilled at doing makeup. She has the experience and skill of an artist. I have to admire her for that. She finishes Artemis's makeup and Artemis turns to face me. "What do you think?"

"Uh..." I'm at a loss for words. Artemis's eyes are outlined with black winged eyeliner and her eyelids have purple eyeshadow on them, shifting into a lighter amount at the top of her eyelid. The blending between the two shades is utterly flawless. Finally, her lips are painted onyx black, and I swear I can see a faint shimmer to them. "May I just say 'amazing'?"

"Why thank you, ma'am," Evelyn laughs. "Your turn."

"Okay." I sit in the chair Artemis had been in, and Artemis proceeds to look at her reflection in the mirror, admiring Evelyn's work. "My favourite colour is red, by the way."

Evelyn does my makeup in the space of fifteen minutes and hands me a small mirror so I can see what she's done. I smile at the result. Black eyeliner, yet only a light amount near the corners, and red eyeshadow as well as a deep, matte bloodred lipstick. "I love it, Evelyn, thank you!"

"Anytime. We should head down to the cafeteria. We're normally supposed to eat there, after all."

"Fair enough." the three of us walk down to the cafeteria, where most of the students are already eating breakfast. Kaiden and Tyler are sitting at a table with Dawson. Kaiden looks quite tired and is barely making conversation, the former of which - in my opinion - is unusual for a vampire. Evelyn and Artemis sit beside Dawson while I sit in between Kaiden and Tyler.

"Took you guys long enough to get here," Tyler jokes, playfully poking Evelyn in the shoulder. Evelyn pokes him back, chuckling. "And I thought this one--" He points at Kaiden, "--took forever. You three take the cake."

"Oh, shut it, you," I joke.

"They're getting mad, Tyler," jokes Dawson. "Better leave 'em alone."

"Since when do you not take his side?" Kaiden asks groggily. "I've only lived in the same dorm as you for a day and I already know you stick to him like glue!"

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