Chapter 5

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As I'm making my way to Mrs. Hill's class the next morning, I catch a glimpse of three people who are in the class with us. I've crossed paths with them in the hallways, too, but I haven't had the courage to actually speak to them. I'm trying my best to be less shy around people, though, which is why in this moment I decide to put my nerves behind me and go for it. I might even be able to befriend them!

They appear to be siblings, with their jet-black hair, bright purple eyes and fair skin. Even their uniforms are identical to each other, all three girls having chosen deep purple bodices, but despite their appearances being so similar, there are distinct ways of telling them apart. The oldest has her hair cut short with the ends just barely reaching her shoulders, framing her face in a way that highlights the maturity in her features. The middle sibling, with her waist-length hair, is slightly shorter than the first and has an unwaveringly kind look in her eyes. You would think the third sister, the youngest, would be even shorter than the other two, but instead she is almost the exact same height as the second girl. Her hair, however, is styled into a pixie cut.

"Hello," I call to them. They stop in their tracks at once and turn towards me, clearly wondering why I'm addressing them suddenly. "Sorry to bother you, I just – I've noticed you around school and I wanted to introduce myself. I'm Artemis."

"It's no bother at all, it's nice to meet you. I'm Sally Greystone," The oldest girl replies. "And these are my sisters, Angelica and Prudence. We're witches. Three of the most powerful in the school, in fact. Not to sound conceited or anything."

"Greystone...Isn't the woman who runs orientation a Greystone as well?"

"Yes," says Angelica. "She's our aunt."

"Ah, that makes sense. Well, anyway...since we're heading to the same place and all, may I introduce you guys to my friends? I'm sure they'd love to meet you, too," I offer.

Sally smiles. "Of course!"

With that, the four of us head into the classroom together. Mrs. Hill isn't here yet, but most of the students are, including Lena, Kaiden, Evelyn, Tyler and Dawson. For whatever reason, Dawson and Tyler have chosen to start playing music on Tyler's phone since Mrs. Hill isn't here yet, 'Sexy and I Know It' sounding throughout the room. It seems no one objects to this choice, either, since people I don't even recognize are dancing, whether in their seats or out of them. It's a funny sight to walk into. I bet even Mrs. Hill would get a kick out of it!

"I assume you recognize Tyler and Dawson by now," I amusedly surmise.

"Oh, yeah, we're known those guys for awhile now. They've been going here for, like four or five years now," Sally responds, nodding her head to the beat of the song, "Awesome song choice, there, buddy!"

"Thanks!" Tyler sends a grin her way as the song finishes. "Got a request for me?"

"I do!" Evelyn pipes up cheerfully, "How about 'Heaven Knows' by The Pretty Reckless? You guys are using YouTube, right?"

"Yup, and coming right up!"

"You, my lady, have excellent taste," Dawson winks at her.

Evelyn blushes. "Thanks. You like The Pretty Reckless, too?"

"Hell, yeah!" Dawson's eyes light up as he gets an idea. "Guys, we have got to have some kind of party or karaoke night some time."

"The arena seems like it would be a good place to do something like that," adds Kaiden, "It's definitely big enough."

"So, what's your name?" Angelica asks him, since I've completely forgotten about the introductions that I promised to give thanks to all the excitement. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2021 ⏰

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