It started with one star

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"What would you like to study in college?"

I walked out of that room with the same uncertainty I went in with.
Everyone I know has been working toward college, and coming out from that room such confidence. Believe me when I say I've thought about it, but I just can't pick only one. I love them all. Everything I do makes me happy, but I can only pick one thing to do for the rest of my days on this Earth. I mean, I'm only a teenager, and I know I have three more years, but I feel like more is expected of me. I take advanced classes, get decent grades, participate in many clubs- I don't even have that much of a social life- all because I'm so serious about my future. 'So why am I uncertain?' I sit and think to myself.

The bell rings. It's the end of the day.
I have club activities everyday.
Today is Monday, so I have play rehearsals. They're only minor roles, but I love theatre. It was the first thing in the world that made me feel so alive.
I see Arianna walking over to me. She's a year older than me and we don't talk that much, but I feel comfortable around her, and she understands me. First off, she's tan with curly hair- she really gets me.
"Hi August! Wow your here early. Have they taken attendance yet?"
"No, but they're about to" I say with a weak smile.
She notices my grief. "What's wrong? Did something happen today?"
"Yeah, the guidance councilors had us talk about our futures, eighth period." I sigh.
"Oh they didn't have us do that until this year. Aren't you in honors classes?"
"Maybe they just want to prepare the honors kids early, but what's wrong, it's not like it's the end of the world." She said with a grin.
"Yeah, but Arianna, I choked. I was so uncertain that I didn't say anything the whole time I was in there." 'I mean, I couldn't say I wanted to do everything. I would sound insane.'
"I don't think you should think about it too much, you have three years to have fun and be carefree." She says enthusiastically.
The director starts taking attendance, and everyone goes silent.
"Okay" I whisper under my breath.

I was there for about two hours before they dismissed us. I just listened to music and read the whole time, after all Arianna was busy on stage, and I already did my homework at lunch. After rehearsals, I waited at the Maclean Center (people hang out there after school). It's across the street from the high school and next to the middle school my sister goes to. Again, I read and listened to music until my sister got there.

"Nicole!" I yelled from across the game room. She and her friends came to greet me. I got a few hugs before I asked for some money. I was starving, and she always seemed to have money somehow.
"Here's a dollar. I need the rest for some Pepsi."
"Okay. Did you have a good day?" I say casually.
"Yeah. I almost fought someone though! The next time someone touches me. I'm gonna smack them across their face and they'll turn 360 degrees!"
I poke her in the face.
"Well your my sister, so it's different." But she still smacks my hand. I smile expectantly.

Of course we fight, all sisters fight, but she makes me so happy sometimes. We may be two years apart, but sometimes were so alike that I mistake her as my twin. (Which is weird because people ask if we're twins all the time.) She hates it, but it makes me feel closer to her.

After another hour or so I get a text from my mom.
Mom: "Be ready and outside in 10 minutes."
Me: "Okay. See you soon."

I walk into the less frantic lobby and sit next to my sister until our mom arrives.

We walk to the car, barely tripping over skateboards. When we get in, Nicole immediately starts on about her day. I stare out the window and admire the setting sun, ignoring the "ooo's" and "ahh's" my mom's saying. The colors- purple, pink and orange- put me into a trance. And the calm lolls me to sleep, and blurs my life out of view.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2016 ⏰

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