Starting with a study session

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You felt groggy after being suddenly awoken by the school bell and the sound of people standing up and starting to talk. Another bad habit of yours is sleeping in class, but at least the teacher never notices, so you can get away with it. These days you seem to always feel tired, so you try to get as much sleep in as possible. Not that it really helps, though. It must be because of your poor health.

I should start doing sports soon. Maybe also start eating healthier. Maybe.

You told yourself that many times, but your "determination" wasn't enough. You would probably continue with your unhealthy lifestyle. At least you still look in shape.

"Um, (Y/N)? Aren't you joining us?" Asahina asked as she followed you out of the classroom.

"Nah, sorry, Hina. My fabulously interesting study sessions start today." You said sarcastically as you unenthusiastically lifted your fist into the air.

"Aw, that sucks. Try to enjoy it, though. I'll see you later then, right? Bye!" She skipped away happily to join the others, leaving you alone in the corridor.

You started making your way to the library on the second floor. Hopefully you aren't late. Wait, what time is late anyway? He didn't give a specific time. If he meant 'after school', did he mean DIRECTLY after school? Oh my god, he's a Hall Monitor. If you are late, then you are going to be in a lot of trouble. It's only the first session and you are already making a bad impression. You start running down the stairs and through the hallway towards the location. Since Kiyotaka told you to bring ALL your books, the bag on your back was slowing you down, as well as hurting you a lot. Running from the top floor to the second floor wasn't really your cup of tea.

You throw open the door and, as expected, the hall monitor was standing as straight as a pole in his usual white outfit. His long boots were reaching up to his knees... And his eyebrows were as thick as ever.

"(Y/N)! You are on time. Thank you for keeping punctuality in mind." Kiyotaka said as you breathlessly rush in and close the door, bending down to rest your hands on your knees.

I really need to start doing sports again.

"I luckily booked the library, so no one will be able to bother us. Not since anyone else besides Byakuya, Toko and I ever visit the library." He said.

"No wonder it's so dusty." You said while catching your breath.

You walked up to the table that had books and papers on them and sat down while putting and your painfully heavy bag on the floor.

You looked at Kiyotaka who was still standing straight.

"So, uh, Kiyotaka why don't you sit so we can start?" You asked awkwardly.

"Yes, of course." He said and sat down beside you. "The teacher gave me a few of your old test. Your weakest marks are for Mathematics, so we can maybe start with that. Does it fit you?"

"Yeah, sure." You said tiredly. You hated math. Not because it was hard, but because it was so much work and, of course, you were too lazy to do it. You would obviously understand the work if you listened in class, but it doesn't interested you at all in the fist place.

"Well, According to the test, you seem to get the easier things right, but the algebra parts are a bit at fault. Do you understand how to do the algebra?"

"I-I think I'll understand if you explain it to me."

"Of course! See, you start with-"

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