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You all stare at the sight of a small man with green hair. Before he or anyone else could speak Ellie screamed in excitement then ran towards the man shouting "oh my god its senpai oh my gaaaawd!" You put your arm out to stop her but before she even reaches the door she passes out on the floor. Mark steps over ellies sleeping body and says to the man "hey jack im glad you made it" the man looks at him and says in an irish accent "oh hey mark how ye doin?" Mark looks at you and says to jack "not good but its a long story ill tell you later" jack nods and steps inside. You go up to jack and say hi jack looks at you in confusion for a second then says "oh ye must be (y/n) nice to meet ye at last" you walk into the living room where everyone is sat. Jack looks at wilfred who is sat in the corner and says to you "why is he here!" Mark walks over to jack and whispers "lets talk upstairs i need to tell you a lot of stuff" as jack and mark walk upstairs you make everyone a cup of coffee and sit down. Lucy drags ellies body into the room and lays her down on a sofa next to her. Ellie slowly opens her eyes and says "oh god what happened?, and wheres jack?" She bolts up forward and says "oh no what did i say!?" You all burst out into laughter even wilfred giggles a bit.

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