The void

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You look around but you can't see anything ,only the cold darkness that you are in. You open your mouth to shout for help. But no words come out, just......Silence. As you float in the pitch black void you see a small white light appear then disappear again. It appears once more but instead of disappearing it grows. Larger and larger until the once dark void has gone and is replaced with light. You squint your eyes at how bright it now is, as you open them fully you notice that you are stood on solid ground. You look around in confusion. For some reason you feel like you're being watched. You do a 360° turn and look for.....anything. Anything that could possibly help, anything that could do something to get you out. "BEEP" you turn towards the direction of the mechanical noise. You see nothing. "BEEP" you hear it again. "BEEP"--------"BEEP"-----"BEEP"---"BEEP" --"BEEP" the sounds slowly get faster. Then you hear a different noise its like electricity charging. All of a sudden your entire body fills with pain. You try to scream but you cant. However you have your thoughts. "Was that electricity? What is happening?, Where am i? and most importantly, Am i alive?"
Hey this one is short because i have my GCSE'S coming up and im doing my best to revise so im freaking out. But sorry to leave you on a cliff hanger.... again. Aaaannyyways hope you had a great easter today and i wil see you in the next chapter bu bye

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