part 7

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"No I wish, if I had trained them then I would have enough money to by myself a new bike." Hey laughs awkwardly
"Do you like biking?" I say
"Yeah. Do you?"
" Yeah I do too." It is akward, no I am the akward one.
Why me.
" So what brings you to the lake?" He intrupt my internal rampage on how horrible my social life is.

He moves closer and sits next to me

"Nothing really just hanging out with my friends."
"Where are they?"
"Well they are all probably playing in the water or doing who knows what.....So why are you here?" I ask while looking at the dog playing with each other. Even though I'm talking to him my nerves are still on high alert, because you know stranger danger.
"Well I came here to just chill but the dogs wanted to come so badly that I decided to take them along and play whith them."he say looking at the dogs while they play tug-of-war with a stick.

"Whats your name?" I ask feeling a bit more confident but still talking and acting nervous and relax a little.

"Nice to see that your a little more relaxed, now I can really talk to you, my name is...." he was cut off by someone calling my name, no two people calling my name.

Sounds like Luke, and Max?!
"Fiona, answer us!"
Ohh they sound worried, time to get payback.

I turn around and whisper in the dudes ear "I really want to get them back for messing with me."
"Hide in the bushes I got an idea on how to get them back for you." He whispers back

"Over here!" I shout and quickly  hid behind the bushes

They came running like dogs at dinner time they had their tongues sticking out and everything I was surprised that they weren't drooling on the way over here.

"Hey you, where did she go?"Max yells talking to the dude, Ahh what is his name? I'm going to start calling him Jeff till he tells me, we'll in my mind.

"Who me?" Jeff says
"Yeah you, where did that girl go?" Luke asks
"You mean that sweet piece of ass that I was talking to?" Jeff says

Well thanks I think. My face is burning why did he have to say that? And why do I not hate his choice of words?

Max and Luke can not hide the surprise look on their faces from that remark, and Jeff is smirking real hard.

"Fine piece of... look just tell us where she is!" Max yells  tensing up

"Well I would love to tell you guys but........I don't feel like torturing my nose  by talking to you and your bad breath. You both got it ! Now why would I  tell you where she is even if I know where she is, with that bad breath? I don't want her to suffer!" He says mockingly. 

Luke then starts to look around he comes to the area where I am behind the bushes.  "I'll have you know that she is okay.....for now."
"WHAT!" Luke stop dead in his tracks face burning with rage. And Max eyes are screaming murder.
If looks could kill I think to my self. I'm in the bushes trying so hard not to laugh.  Luke who looks like he's  about to jump Jeff moves in front of the bushes blocking my view.

Ahhhhh move your butt Luke, I swear if you fart.  If I don't do anything this plan will go south fast bc those two look as if they are going to tear him apart. 

I know just what to do I quietly shift around so that I'm in a crouching position and count to 3.

1.2.3. And jumped on the back of Luke screaming
"I came in like a RECKING BALL!"

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