Chapter 2 ( Leopardstar )

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I sat up straighter and watched as the clan began to separate and fall back into their duties. I sighed and sat down, curling my tail over my fore paws.

" This is the nursery." A raspy voice mewed. I looked up to see Windsplash directing a blue-gray she-cat, and two cats were behind her. One a golden tabby, and the other one a very pale gray cat. I nodded at then and the golden tabby's eyes lit.

" This is my mate, Softsky." Windsplash mewed flicking his tail at my mother. " She will tell you everything you need to know." Windsplash reassured the she-cat. Windsplash licked Softsky's ear and padded away where are group of cats were clustered around Hawkstar.

" Hi." Softsky purred. " I will explain everything to you in the nursery, maybe your kits could play with mine?" Raindrop nodded and nudged her kits that were behind her.

" Go on." The she-cat reassured them. " This is our new home now, you have to trust them." The golden tabby nodded and sat besides Boulderkit while the other she-cat followed. Raindrop nodded and followed Softsky in the nursery.

" Hi!" The golden tom mewed when Raindrop and Softsky had gone away. " I'm Flashkit, and this is my sister Mockingjaykit." The pale gray she-cat dipped her head and yawned loudly. Her eyes gleamed and she smirked.

" Can you guys show us around?" Mockingjaykit pleaded. I gritted my teeth, and I could see through the corner of my eye that Skykit, and Boulderkit had the same expression.

" Yo see," Boulderkit mumbled. " We were just born a few sunrises ago, we are just as curious to know what's around this camp as you are!" Boulderkit purred, eyes glowing at Mockingjaykit.

Mockingjaykit snorted and licked her paw and drew it over her ear. She exchanged a glance with Flashkit and she smiled.

" Why don't we see that den over there?" Mockingjaykit nodded her head over to Hawkstar's den. I gasped, my mind went back to when just a few moments ago what Softsky had said to my litter mates and I.

" I don't know." Skykit mumbled. Her eyes were narrowed and I could see her tiny claws digging into the earth.

" Softsky told us not to,"

" I'll go!" I interrupted. I immediately closed my mouth, ashamed that I had cut of Skykit. " Er...I mean I'll go in there if you want me to." Skykit was glaring at me and Boulderkit shrugged his shoulders.

" Alright." Flashkit agreed. " We'll be here." He mewed. Mockingjaykit nodded and smirked.

" Don't let a cat catch you, or your crowfood!" She rasped. I snorted and skipped over the stream and onto the island that held Hawkstar's den. I slowly padded in and was amazed to see the roof glowing.

Almost like the stars, it shone and turned my fur into almost a blue-silver color. I purred and was unaware that I was moving around. I stepped on something fuzzy, and I looked down to see a half eaten shrew.

" Amazing isn't it?" I jerked around, my fur on end towards the entrance to the den. Hawkstar was there looking up at the roof, the light reflecting in his amber eyes.

" Your different, Mosskit." Hawkstar mewed, glancing over at me. I looked at my paws, what would Hawkstar do to me? Cut me up for the foxes?

" You remind me of a cat I heard from stories. Curious, not scared. Never backs down from a challenge, even when the odds are not good. You remind me of Leopardstar."

" Leopardstar?" I breathed. I had never heard the cat before, but I knew by her name that she was very important.

" Yes, she was a brave cat but with a very bad past. Her father, and brother died and when her father died she became deputy in his place. She was also given a prophecy ' darkness looms over you and when its time, it will strike.' the prophecy foretold that adders would attack Breezeclan. Leopardstar, then her name Leopardpool would have died if her leader died sacrifice himself to save her. She then became leader, Leopardstar and lead her clan to greatness until she joined Starclan, from a bought of green cough." Hawkstar finished. I gasped. I could feel my fur begin to rise and my heart skipped a beat.

" Leopardstar sounds really important." I mewed. Hawkstar nodded.

" She was one of the greatest leader that Starclan has ever seen." The tom breathed. I slowly nodded and puffed my chest.

" I'm going to be just like Leopardstar!" I vowed. Hawkstar looked at me with gleaming eyes and nodded.

" I'm confident you will, Mosskit." Hawkstar purred. He nudged me towards the den entrance.

" You better go to your mother now." Hawkstar mewed. " She must be waiting." I nodded and bolted out of Hawkstar's den. I leaped over the stream that encircled Hawkstar's den and padded over to where Skykit, Boulderkit, Flashkit, and Mockingjaykit were looking at me with wide eyes.

" We saw Hawkstar go in there!" Boulderkit gasped. " We thought you were crowfood!" I blinked and shook my head.

" Its nothing, I better get going." I brushed past the group of cats and padded inside the nursery. Softsky was curled up in her den, and Raindrop was licking her pelt it was a glossy gray.

I curled up along Softsky's belly and closed my eyes. I fell asleep to the light purring of Softsky.

I woke up to see a black she-cat with bright amber eyes standing on a large boulder that stood about as tall as the trees in the forest.

" Hello, Mosskit." The starry shape mewed. It leaped off of the rock and padded up to me. " I have a prophecy for you." I gasped. I was no older then a moon and this cat was giving me a prophecy!

" A life will be reborn, when it shouldn't have even existed. Life will be rough, lives will be lost, but love and honor will  be gained and a test will be taken place to show what you really know." I shook my head, overwhelmed and the she-cat turned to leave.

" Wait!" I managed to speak. My whole body was shaking, but I had to know. " What's you name?" I breathed. The she-cat smiled, her amber eyes lit.

" I am Leopardstar." She breathed.

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