Chapter 2

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"Gianlucaaaaa" I screamed when I knocked on the door again. He really needed to hurry up. "Gianluuu" Ignazio screamed with a high pitched voice, trying to help me. "Stop screaming like that, we're in a hotel!" Gianluca shouted frustrated out of the bathroom. "I'm sure your hair looks very good!" Ignazio said. "Or is it your make-up..." Suddenly the door of the bathroom opened, a frustrated Gianluca on the other side. "I don't wear make-up you stupid!" he said. Luckily we knew he didn't meant to be really mean although it seemed like that for a moment. 

Sometimes we just laughed a bit too much with each other's behavior. And then the one we're laughing with gets frustrated. Just like this time. 

"So...," I said, laying my arm around his shoulder, "oh wait, here's a hair that's out of place!" I said, trying to help him but he hit my hand. "Aw, why did you do that? I was trying to help you!" I said. "You better help yourself!" Gianluca said, a grin on his face. Ignazio started laughing, very high pitched again. "What?" I asked confused. "Have you already met Mr. Mirror today?" Gianluca joked. I quickly went in Gianluca's bathroom. "Oooh, really! You laugh with me because I have something between my teeth? What even is this?" 

Someone knocked on the door of Gianluca's hotel room, even though the door was opened. "Barbara," I heard Ignazio say. "Are you ready guys?"

"Always!" Gianluca said. "Where's Piero?" she asked them. "Late! As always!" Gianluca laughed. "Eeeej!" I screamed, popping my head around the corner. "Just so you know it, but I was ready, Gianluca was late and now I need to do something...uh something!" I said, holding my hand in front of my mouth. "She sure has no clue why you hold your hand like that!" Ignazio laughed.

5 minutes later

We sat in a taxi, on our way to the award show. A lot of Italian celebrities were invited. We were nominated for best group, so we were all a bit nervous but also very happy and excited. "If we win..." Ignazio said because he was thinking about it the most, "I'll jump out of a plane with a parachute!" Gianluca started laughing. "You are so lucky that wasn't recorded right now!" I nodded to agree with him. Besides, winning was not the most important thing. We were already nominated and there are so many Italian bands. "If we win, you should just be very happy!" I said. "Don't make those dangerous promises, because even though it's not recorded, I'll remember what you just said!" I pointed to him and grinned.

"We're here!" Barbara said. "Milanooo," I screamed. "Wow, it's..." I said, overwhelmed by the amount of people. "Crowded?" Gianluca finished my sentence. "I think so!"

"Papa-papa-papa-raziii" Ignazio sang when we walked on the red carpet. Gianluca hit him in his waist. "This, my dear friend, is on television!" He was trying to remind Ignazio he needed to act like he was mature. "Okay, okay...I'll just walk and smile!" he said. Meanwhile Gianluca was already taking selfies with some girl-fans. "Gianluca!" I thought. "Why are you such a womaniser?"

Inside the building we were brought to our seats

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Inside the building we were brought to our seats. "Who's that?" I asked to the others when I saw the name of the people who would sit next to us, on a paper hanging on the chairs next to me. I was so buzzy with my own job, that I forgot to check who the other nominees were. Ignazio looked to the paper and apparently he knew who they were. Of course, because he was thinking about this show all the time. "Oh, that's another band that's nominated for the award of 'best band'!" he said. "Yeah, I thought something like that already but WHO are they? What kind of music do they play for example?" 

"Oh, eh, they are 'Misfortune Cookies'," he said, but that was on the paper so I figured that out myself, "and they play rock music!" I was surprised to hear that. It was not likely to have a rockband in an award show like this. Mostly it can I explain this...real music that was nominated. "And you're gonna be very surprised if you notice what kind of rock music they play!" Ignazio said. But then he didn't say a thing anymore because some people passed us by to go to their seats...which to us. 

I sat with my mouth half open, shocked by how they looked. The girl that sat next to me had dark blue hair, mixed with pitch black. Her face seemed covered with piercings and her eyes were...not even her eyes, it seemed. Because she covered it with too much make-up, black of course. Pitch black! Her clothes were ripped and also that was not really colourfull. I kept looking in her direction, normally the other person already said hello to me. Or I would have said hi to her. But she didn't seem to care I sat next to her. She didn't even seem to like anything. Only one minute here but it was clear she couldn't laugh. Her band members, looked a bit like her. Pitch black clothes, hair and...maybe even a dark, black soul. 

I tried to stop looking because if they didn't want to greet us, they were not worth my attention either. But I couldn't help looking to them all. The girl next to me stared into the distance. She was sitting on the chair like a statue. Not moving at all. Her hair certainly not combed or that was how it looked like. I thought about myself, as a part of Il Volo. We were completely the opposite. Our hair was always perfect, our clothes like we never wore them before and we were always friendly to everyone. At least I tried. Because now, I really couldn't.

After a lot of time spending by thinking about the band next to me, the show started. Best male singer, best female singer, best videoclip and of course best band... "The nominees are..." I heard the woman on stage say. "Misfortune Cookies" Everyone started screaming and I started wondering what they all liked about them. Maybe their music was very good. But it was hard to believe that. For sure they don't sing our kind of music or something really beautiful. I couldn't imagine them singing a nice romantic song for example. My thoughts were interrupted when Ignazio poked me in the side. It seemed everyone was clapping and cheering for us and I needed to smile and look into the cameras. "That were all the nominees...and now...let's find out which band you like the most!" So apparently I missed half of the nominees because I was thinking too much about the strange people next to me. 

I didn't really need to win the award but I also didn't want to disappoint the fans. They really wanted us to win of course. "And the winner iiiiis..."  the woman said and of course she waited so long that I almost fell asleep. But instead of doing that, I thought about that band that was called 'Misfortune Cookies'. It sounded quite weird actually. 'Cookie'? That's something nice and friendly. Okay, I know a cookie is not really something that tell's you 'hello, how are you?', but at least it's more friendly than those people sitting next to me. And what's that 'misfortune' meaning? How can you call yourself something with 'misfortune' in it? It gave me the feeling that their music might be kinda dark and the lyrics were sure not about flowers and rainbows.

"The winner iiiis..."

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