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Haneul's p.o.v

"Oh my god ! Sky ! Sky ! Guess what !" My friend, Hyerin bursted into the room.

"What is it unnie ?" I asked her curiously. She smiled at me.

"He finally proposed to me !" She said then hugging me. I hugged her back, happy for her.

After two years and a child, I'm glad that he finally decided to marry her.

"Isn't that great ? I'm getting married !" She exclaimed running around the room like a hyper active child. I laughed at her silliness.

"You know, I'm thinking of resigning from my job." She suddenly sat down beside me, now serious. I raised my eyebrow.

"But you love your job." I said.

"I do. It's just that I want to be there for my child more. He's growing up and I don't wanna miss out on his childhood." She told me sighing. I patted her back.

"It's up to you unnie." I told her. She smiled at me.

"I know that you need a job. A permanent one. I can't think of anyone else taking my job." She said holding my hand. I looked at her shocked.

"But unnie-" I protested but she shushed me.

"Too late Sky. I already recommended you to my boss." She smirked.

"Already ?! How long have you been planning this ?" I asked her still shocked.

"I see your talent Sky. You'll do well." She assured me.

"I can take care of Nari when you work." She said. I sighed. I can't just do part-time jobs forever.

"Fine. I'll take that offer of yours." I gave in and she cheered.

"Come on ! Let's go !" She shouted dragging me with her. I tried to get away but she won't let go.

"Where are we going you crazy unnie ?" I asked her struggling.

"To my boss duh." She said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

She took her bag and the make up kit and drove us to the building.

"Goodmorning Hyerin !" A person greeted her and she smiled back.

"Oh god people." I muttered under my breath.

"Hello Hyerin. Is this her ?" A man wearing glasses asked Hyerin. Hyerin nodded. She then opened her bag and took an envelope out and gave it to him. As I leaned in to have a closer look, I saw that it was my resumé and other things I need to apply for a job. I looked at her wierdly.

"Since you have experience already, why don't you put make up on Ms. Lee. Something that would fit her." The man told me.

'Hands-on huh ?' I asked my self and took out the brushes.

*few minutes later*

I finished putting make-up on unnie's face. I think it suits her pretty well. The man looks impressed.

"Well then. That's all that we need to see. You are going to get a whole week trial of being one of our band's make-up artist. After that, It is your choice whether to accept the job or not. Of course Ms. Lee already informed me of your little girl and you can bring her to work." The man smiled kindly at me. I beamed up with his words.

"Thank you so much." I thanked him and shook his hands.

"Ms. Lee speaks so highly of you and based on what we saw, you didn't disappoint us. You can start on Monday." I thanked him again and Hyerin and I walked out.

I squealed in delight and hugged her.

"Thank you so much unnie ! I love you !" I squealed and hugged her. She laughed.

"I'm so going to cook Nari's favourite food when I get home." I said smiling.

Nari is my daughter. Yes. She is my daughter. I had her when I was only twenty with my boyfriend. He said he wasn't ready yet and left me, leaving me alone without support. I am now 22 and Nari is the sweetest child alive.

Hyerin and I chatted on the way home and when we came home we started looking through old photo albums. My photo album. I don't know how we ended uo doing those.

"Hey Sky ?" Hyerin called out to me. "Hmm ?" I turned to look at her. Holding a picture of something I can not see that fell out from between the pages of the album.

"Where is this taken ?" She asked me and showed me the picture of a beautiful white house. On top of hill that overlooked the city.

Memories that I tried so hard to forget came crashing into me.


"When I get older, I want a house like that." I said pointing to a white house. Hoseok made a face at me.

"Why do you want a house like that Sky ?" He asked me. I shrugged my shoulders.

"It looks simple and It has a nice view of the town below." I told him smiling. He nodded. He took my polaroid camera and snapped a picture of the house.

"What's that for ?" I asked him, confused. He just smiled at me. He took out a sharpie from my bag and wrote something under it.

'I'll give you everything you want in life' It read. I blushed at it.

"I'll work hard to get you everything you want Sky. I will get you a better house than that." He declared giving me the picture.

"You don't have to Hope. You're enough for me." I told him.

"Well I'd still get you that 'cause you want it." He stubbornly said and I kissed him on the cheek for being so sweet.

"Thank you Hope." I hugged him and he hugged me back.


"Yah ! Sky !" She snapped a finger in front of my face, getting me back in earth.

"Where did you go sky ?" She teased me and I shook my head.

"What was that question again ?" I asked her, distractedly.

"Where was this taken ?" She asked me. I touched the picture gently. I touched his writing gently.

"It's a house from back home." I told her not wanting to say more. It was nice seeing his hand writing after years. She seemed to get the fact that I don't want to talk about it and let it go.

I put the picture in my pocket and changed the topic.

I still miss him.

"There's a house on the hill,
with a view of the town,
and I know how you adore it."


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