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Hoseok's p.o.v

The other members and I were sitting on the sofa, playing with our phones or playing the game on the television. I played with the ring on my finger out of boredom.

I was looking on my phone, scrolling through the endless amount tweets to us by the fans. Do they even get tired ? Every minute, thousands of tweets come to us in different languages. Suddenly, Jimin entered the room inspecting something in his hand.

"Hyung are you still gonna wear this ?" He asked me shoving something in my face.

I made a face at him. I moved his hands farther from my face to clearly see what he is holding.

"Where did you get that ?!" I quickly snatched the object from him.

The members seem startled by my actions.

As I stared at the ring on the palm of my hand, I went into a trance and memories flooded through my mind.


I held her hand as we walked down the street to her home. We passed a small jewelry store and something caught her attention.

"Hope look !" She excitedly pointed to what seems to be couple rings. I smiled at her.

"Aren't they pretty ?" She said, looking at them.

I nodded in agreement. It was indeed very pretty. Silver with a pattern of a flower in it.

"Do you want them ?" I asked her.

She seems to hesitate but she shook her head.

"I might lose it easily. You know me." She laughed scratching the back of her head. She held my hand once more and we continued walking.

I know she wants it so I worked hard for it. For a whole month. Working over time and getting two jobs. Just for her. I managed to buy it for her.

Her birthday came and I surprised her. I took her to the clearing where we always hung out.

"What's happening Hope ?" She asked me. The sun was begining to set and I led her to the middle of the clearing, laying the picnic rug and food on the ground.

I motioned her to sit beside me and she did. I turned on the lamp that I brought with me.

The sun has set and stars began to come out.

"Why did you bring me here today Hope ?" She looked at me.

"I know you love the stars Haneul. What's better than bringing you here on your special day ?" I asked her smirking. She laughed and playfully punched me.

"Just sitting somewhere beside you is enough Hope." She said looking at the stars and smiling.

I sat up properly and she looked at me confused.

"Give me your hand." I told her.

"Excuse me ?" She asked. I shook my head and took her hand.

I took the ring from my pocket and laid it on her palm. She looked at it for a few seconds and looked up to me.

"Hope ?" She whispered.

"It's a promise ring." I explained. I showed her an identical one on my ring finger which she didn't seem to notice.

I showed her the inside of her ring and my nick name 'Hope' was engraved inside. I showed her mine and her last name and her nick name 'Sky' was written instead. It wasn't really a nick name since it was the english of her name.

I slowly slid the ring onto her finger and held her hands in mine after.

"I promise that no matter what happens, whatever obstacle comes in our way, I will always love you. I will love you will all my heart and soul. I also promise to work hard so that in the future, when I marry you, you'd live like a queen. The life that you deserve. I love you Kim Haneul." I looked into her eyes.

"Then I promise to always be there for you, loving and supporting you in every way I can. I promise to wait for you and understand you. I love you Jung Hoseok. I love you so much." She whispered.

I smiled and kissed her forehead. I kissed her nose. Then her lips. We both smiled. Escaping from reality in our little heaven.

《Memory over》

I didn't know I was spacing out until I was slapped back into reality. Literally.

"Hyung !" Jimin exclaimed and I snapped out of it.

"Why were you going through my things without permission ?" I asked him.

"I was looking for my ring hyung. I always see that ring sitting on your little box but I never see you wear it so I thought that I could borrow it." Jimin explained.

This boy and his obssession with rings. I sighed.

"You can have all my other stuff just don't take this." I told him and I slid on the ring since what seems to be an eternity.

"What's so special about that ring Hoseok ?" Yoongi-hyung asked.

"It's something important." I told them and continued scrolling down through a stream of tweets on twitter.

I sighed quietly.

Other member's p.o.v

"Where did you get that ?!" J-Hope suddenly raises his voice and snatched something from the younger boy's grasp.

As Jimin was talking they notice the older boy in a daze.

"What's up with Hyung ?" Jungkook, the youngest, paused the game to look at the scene.

They all look at to what J-hope was holding and saw a ring. With the word 'Sky' written inside.

"I've never seen him wear it." Namjoon shook his head.

"It's the first time he looked mad." Taehyung stated and they nodded their heads. Jimin then quickly slapped J-Hope, unable to snap him out of it and it worked.

Jimin then explained why he had it and J-Hope brushed him off, letting him go.

He sat back down and continued scrolling through his phone. Obviously distracted.

"There's a shop down the street,
where they sell plastic rings,
for a quarter a piece, I swear it.
Yeah, I know that it's cheap,
not like gold in your dreams,
but I hope that you'll still wear it."


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