Chapter 4.

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"Jesus, what are you doing to me?" Ivan asks. I'm not sure either. But it's doing the same to me. And I think I like it.

Suddenly his hand lashes out, away from my face. His body now stood pacing around the room, like a possessed human. I could literally see the steam leaving his ears.

"This is fucking stupid. You can't be here. You're nothing to me. Look at you, you're a fucking whore." His ice cold gaze cuts me like nothing before. I feel my heart strain, for the first time. Warm tears prickle my eyes, the stinging sensation all to familiar. His words cutting through me.

"Well tell me something new! You knew this! Yet you brought me here!" I stand up from my sitting position making my way towards the absolute stranger that's took so much out of me already. My finger pointing right in his face, touching the bridge of his nose.

"You fucking disgust me. Why don't you walk straight out that door and never look back. Then you can Let me go!" Before I know it, his hand is around my neck pushing me against the wall. My body hitting it with such impact a distressed call slips through my tongues. This man isn't the one I met a few hours ago. My neck begins to get sore, and my breath isn't any longer entering my body. My skin is burning and his hand gets tighter. His jaw is tightening rapidly. his long hair pulled from his knot looking rough yet still stylish.

"I'll fucking kill you, if you ever talk to me like that again." My hand is clawing at his that's still placed around my neck. I'm begging for air. My eyes are swollen from the tears that are falling, and with one harsh thrust, back against the wall again, his hand lets go and he's out the room. My body slides to the floor and I claw at my neck where his hands just was. I feel physically sick. Who is this man? Why is he so evil?

"Are you okay my love?" Francs voice runs through my ears. Her soft warm hands putting hair in a loose bobble.

"Sweetie, you'll be okay. You remind him so much of his past. He knows he should never lay a hand on a woman but that's who he is. I don't condone it at all. But just give him time. He'll make it up to you." She seems guilty. But nothing comprehends. It's all a lie. She doesn't condone it? Yet it fucking sounds like she does.

"He needs time? Why? So he can grab me again! He's no better than anyone else! I don't want him to make it up to me!" I scream in her beautifully peaceful face. She seems shocked and stressed. Her eyes fill with sorrow as she moves me from the floor to the bathroom. I avoid all mirrors. I can't seem to look at myself. I haven't for a long time. And now isn't the time to start doing so. I sit on the edge of the bath. She ignores my previous comment and cleans up my wound on my face.

"How do you know so much?" I ask. Silly question really as she is a housekeeper. She must know all the ins and outs of this place.

"I raised him. Not to be the man who he is now, but the man I know he can be. He, -he joined something. With some people and became the worst person I could ever imagine. I can't change him. Not after what happened. I'd like to think that a lady, would be able to do that. Like you for example. I thought that was why he brought you here. To marry, and start a family. Plus, he's getting old now. He deserves the family he's never had. Well once had, but lost." she's not looking at me. I bet my eyes are like a cat looking up at his owners. I'm desperate to find out more. Why did she raise him? Where was his parents?
"Im saying to much. You should really ask him. But believe me when I say, he is a truly, fabulous man. You have to look past what he does as a job, the countless murders, with whatever weapons. You know that sort of thing I'm sure he told you." She picks up the dirty towels and my mouth falls open. Murders ? What the fuck.

"Murders? Who? When? What?" I can feel my hands shaking. I don't feel any safer here than what I did there.

"Shit. He didn't tell you. Look, I never said anything. He'll tell you when the time is right." And with that she left.

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