Chapter 15

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" let's just go to bed Zeak. It's been a long and eventful day and we both should get some rest." I said softly still not letting go of him.

" okay. Can you please just stay in here with me? If you don't want to sleep in here I understand just please lay with me for a few minutes?" he asked.

"Of course" I answered leading him to the bed.

After about 30 minutes with Zeak's head on my chest I heard his cute little snores and drifted off to sleep myself.

The next morning I woke up wanting to go see my mom. Maybe she knows something about the number that sent Zeak those messages.

"Hey Zeak" I said calling out for him since he was in the bathroom brushing his teeth.


" will you go with me to my mom's today?"

" Josh are you sure about that?" he asked coming back into the bedroom.

"Yes. I want you to come with me."

"Okay then. I'll go." he told me.

Pulling up to my mom's house I can tell that Zeak is nervous because he won't stop moving around.

"Zeak calm down. What's wrong?" I asked turning to face him.

" Josh I don't know if this is a good idea. I mean what if she hates me? She was like a second mother to me growing up." He said almost crying.

"Zeak, listen to me. I don't care what she thinks about us. You are the most important thing in my life. I'm going to find out who tried to destroy our love and when I do there will be hell to pay. Now come on love let's go." I said getting out of the car and going around to meet Zeak and his side.

when we got up to the door open it and called for my mother.

"I'm in the kitchen" she replys in a happy voice.

"Hey mom. I have a surprise for you."I tell her kissing the top of her head.

"Oh what's going on?" She asked anxiously.

"Mom, you remember Zeak." AS he came out from behind the archway that leads to the kitchen.

" oh my goodness. Joshua what is going on?"

" hello Mrs. Miller it's nice to see you again." Zeak said shyly.

" Ezekiel oh goodness you have grown up into a fine young man." My mother said going over and taking him into her arms to hug him tight.

" how long have you been here?" She asks.

"Umm, a little over a month." he answered.

" Zeak has been staying with me"  I told her before she could ask.

" how did you two find each other?"

"Well mom, Zeak was my doctor after my accident. He had just moved to the city and didn't have a house or an apartment yet so he has been living with me since then." I told her for him because I already knew he was becoming uncomfortable talking a lot.

" I'm so happy you too found each other again" she said almost crying. " so I'm guessing you both talked about the past?" she asks.

" yes ma'am we have. We know that it was all just a misunderstanding"

" good. I want you to know that your dad never meant to hurt either one of you..." she started to say.

"Wait" I said almost in a whisper. "It was Dad?" I looked at her. " you knew about what happened and you never told me!" I yelled.

"Josh..." she tried to say.

" the both of you watched me cry for years and you never said anything? Holy hell, even try to make me feel better and comfort me!"

" Josh I didn't know the whole time. He told me on his deathbed on the way to the ER."

" It doesn't matter. You still knew. Why didn't you tell me" i cried.

" I didn't want you to hate him right after he just died. Don't you loved you. "

"Yeah i can clearly fucking tell!" I yelled crying more.

"Shhh baby it's okay. I'm here now. All that matters now is that I'm yours and you're mine. I'm not leaving never again" Zeak said kissing my cheek and holding me tightly.

"Josh I'm so sorry." my mother said.

"I think it's best if we go now. It was really good to see you again Mrs. Miller." Zeak said nicely. That's one of the reasons I love him so much, he's always so kind to people who dont deserve it.

"Josh please" she called after me, but I just kept on walking with Zeak's hand in mine.

When we got home I went straight to my shower. Zeak was waiting for me in my room on my bed where I asked him to.

Once I finished my shower and put some sweats on and crawled under the covers with Zeak in my arms.

"I'm so sory Zeak. I should've known all along." I said pulling him against me and crying a few more tears.

" Josh you have nothing to be sorry about. I meant every word I said at your mother's house. I love you I always have and I always will" Zeak said grabbing my face and kissing me.


Hey guys! So who honestly thought it was going to be his dad?!😱

I just wanted y'all to know that I'm about to go on vacay to California! If you didn't already guess I'm from Texas lol I will still try to update in the time that I'm there but if I don't I'm Sorry and I will as soon as I can.

Thank y'all for all the support you give me I love it when you guys comment and vote! If you liked this chapter please do both and maybe I'll even answer some questions if y'all have any💋

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