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Siblings are probably one of the closet relationships people will ever know, the bond between siblings is unimaginable. The bond between twins is the same but an infinite number of times more special.

So when some asshole upsets my twin (and only other sibling) so much that she has to walk off during a dance I feel it is obligatory to defend them in their honour. So I push them, them being said asshole, not really push them, more of a shove and that was it no words said just a shove then that's enough so they understand that if they do it again next time there will be a few added moves and that they will not be standing up again.

Later when said asshole then tells their parent why do they feel the need to add in lies knowing full well that I could easily hospitalise them in as short of three moves.

I don't know either, I however did not touch the person and just walked away leaving the situation in the air. I am not putting up with their lies and horrid behaviour anymore.

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