Chapter 32. The Quarter Quell

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I have have fast-forwarded about two months. I'm still with Soren and Snow is still hurting people. Enjoy!!

   The Quarter Quell. Happens every year. I was talking with Diamond about how I'm going to have to mentor two kids this year who is probably just as scared as I was. Or not. District 2 kids are probably more brave than I was.

   I lace up my shoes and tuck some knives in my pocket. I don't know where I'm going. My feet are the only thing guiding me right now. I walk out of the Victor's Village. People greet me with smiles, but I don't return them. I got to the Grocer where I drank beer a while back. I throw open the door. Sal greets me with a toothy smile. I throw myself up on the stool and fold my arms.

  "Back for beer?" he asks.

   I glare at him. "No."

   "Seems like you're running to something," he says.

   I look at him. "I'm not running to anything,"

  "No?" he asks, raising his bushy eyebrows. "Running from something?"

   I shake my head no. "I'm fine on my own. I don't need anything."

  "Where's that little boyfriend of yours?" Sal asks.

   I whip my head up to look at him. He's never mentioned Soren before. "He's not here. I don't know where he is," I admit.

  "You too aren't fooling anyone, you know," Sal's eyes twinkle. "I know you still love that boy Cato from the Games so long ago."

   My eyes begin to tear, but I brush them away. "I don't know what you're talking about. I love Soren."

  "I love her too," a voice startles me.

   I whirl around to see Soren put a hand on my shoulder. He gives me a awkward side hug and I manage a smile.

  "See?" I say to Sal. "He loves me too."

   Sal's face grows dark. "I know what love is. And this," he points to Soren's awkward hug around me. "Ain't it."

   He goes in the back room. I look at Soren and he frowns at me.

  "How have you been?" he asks. "I don't know; I haven't seen you in about two weeks."

  "I'm fine," I say coldly. "You?"

  "Could be better," he says, removing his arm off my shoulder. "It's almost the Quarter Quell, you know."

  "Don't remind me," I say, leaving the store. "Why do you care anyway?"

  "I'm in the Reaping Ball you know," Soren says. It's my last year, thankfully." he says.

   I don't know why, but I guess that I never realized Soren has been in the Reaping since he was twelve. I hope he doesn't get Reaped. I don't want to have to mentor my "boyfriend".

  "How many times is your name in," I ask, walking with him.

  "Only seven," he says. "My family never needed tesserae, he adds.

  "The odds may be in your favor," I say.

   The Quarter Quell always scared the people of the Panem. It comes every 25 years. This year is the 3rd one. Twice as many tributes go into the Arena. It's awful, but I have never watched recaps of them.

  "They might be," Soren says.

   We walk down the street, kicking through melting, dirty snow. I tuck my hands in my jacket and watch my breath blow out in puffs of hot air. Some people still wave and smile at me, but most of them are used to me. I mean the Games were over 11 months ago. People are tired of the old Victor and want someone new.

  "Christine?" a small asks.

   I turn around a see two small girls starring up at me. They clasp their hands together in their mittens. I look at Soren and he shrugs.

  "That's me," I say, smiling as best as I can.

  "Are you still in love with him?" she asks.

   My heart sinks. "Of course," I say.

  "Why aren't you holding hands?" the other girl asks.

   I feel so uncomfortable right now. "It's too cold for that," I lie.

   The girls seem unconvinced. "Well, I want to be just like you. I might volunteer for the Games this year," she says.

   It's like a punch in the face. She's probably only twelve. What have I done?

  "Why would you do that?" I ask, shaking. Soren grabs my elbow to keep me upright.

  "Because I want to meet a boy and fall in love with him like you," the other girl says. "Except, I will hold his hand if it's cold or not." then they are gone.

   I turn to Soren. He looks at me and sighs. "We are pretty bad at this, aren't we."

  "You're better than me," I admit. "Like at the dinner party."

  "That kiss you mean?" he says.  "I wasn't acting."

   I look at him, startled. "You weren't?"

 "No," he answers and keeps walking.

   I jog to catch up with him. I don't speak though. Does he love me for real? Because I don't think I feel the same. It's been 11 months, but Cato still rings clear in my head. We walk back to my house where I say goodbye to him.

  "I'll come back for dinner tonight. To hear the announcement of the Quell, I mean," he says.

  "Great," I say, hugging him. "I'll be here."

   I go upstairs and knock on my mother's door. She doesn't answer, so I go in. She's laying on her back on the floor, her face to the ceiling. Her eyes are open wide. I rush to her and kneel beside her.

  "Mom, are you ok?" I ask her, shaking her.

   She doesn't answer and my heart leaps in my throat. She doesn't have a heartbeat and her chest is not breathing.

  "Mom?" I croak, the tears falling.

   Her lips are stained blue, and I look around her. Lying next to her is a container of berries. But not any berries. Nightlock.

 Hope you liked this chapter!

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