Chapter 39. Quarter Quell Interviews

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   Magnus sends us off to bed. Before I go to my room, Soren stops me.

  "Did you really do that?" he asks. "Stab Snow, I mean."

   I cross my arms. "Yeah. Why?"

  "Why would you do that? When you win this thing, it's just gonna cause more havoc." Soren says.

   Me? Winning this thing? I highly doubt that, Soren. If only he knew. "No one's gonna find out that I did that. They don't allow that."

  "I'm sure, but it will get out, trust me. Sleep well, I'll see you tomorrow," Soren says.

   I nod and go into my room. I get into my bed with my training outfit on and wrap up the sheets around my shivering body. The interviews are tomorrow and I have no desire to go. I'm gonna say something stupid about Cato, give away that I don't love Soren, and say something by accident about what I did in the scores today.

   I can't believe that the day after tomorrow is the Games. I feel like I did last year. Hopeless, scared, and sad. I'm not making it out this time. I will not. Soren has more to live for than I do. All I do is kill people with my actions and make people angry.

   Apparently sleep finds me because I wake early the next morning. I take a shower and leave my hair down. Orders from Diamond not to touch my hair or do anything with it. It is bothering me though, my unruly bangs hanging in my face.

   I go to breakfast and see no one there. I shrug and eat alone. I'm finished by the time Magnus and Soren come to breakfast. They come in at the exact same time.

  "Sleep together or something?" I joke at them coming in at the same time.

   Soren stifles a laugh and Magnus shoots me a glare. "We'd me more believable than you too," he hisses.

   I choke back a laugh and finish my juice. I get up and hug Soren and kiss his cheek with a loud smack. "Is that better?" I ask Magnus.

   He glares and eats his breakfast. "We're going to the theater at 3:00 and get you guys ready. We'll leave about 2:30."

   I go back to bed after breakfast and sleep until we have to go. I get a nervous feeling in my stomach when I wake. Soren holds my hand as we go and I don't object. I start getting sad as I remember me and Soren on our way to the interviews. It seems like it was yesterday.

   Diamond greets me with a long hug. I really needed that. "Thank you," I whisper to her.

   She smiles and orders me to take off my training outfit. I do and she comes in with a dress that takes my breath away. It's a long black dress with a red veil. Not really a wedding veil, but more of a headdress with a lace train. The black dress has straps with red gems on them. It looks like a rebel is wearing this dress. And one is.

   My shoes are red wedges. Diamond combs out my hair and curls it in tight curls. She adds many braids to it, twisted with red and black ribbon. She does my makeup dark and my lips a pale pink. My eyes are black with the mascara, eye shadow, and eye liner. She puts silver bangles on my arms and silver hoops earrings in my ears.

  "You look beautiful, love," she says.

  "Thank you," I tell her.

   I leave the stylist room and try to find Soren. He comes out of his room in a striking outfit. He has a black suit on with a red tie. His brown hair is gelled up and the blonde highlights seem to have gotten blonder. He smiles at me and I smile back.

  "You look dangerous," he says.

   I look down at my outfit and swish the skirt. "I guess I'm done with the pretty princess dresses," I say smiling.

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