hOI!!!!! i'm tEMMIE!!!!

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Thorn: hOI! welcom to... da TEM SHOP!!!

You: Hello...?

Thorn: hOI! i'm temmie

You: Ok, temmie, tell me about yourself I guess...

Thorn: hOI! i'm temmie

You: Please tell me that's not all you say... ok ok any tem history?

Thorn: us tems have a deep history!!!

You: Could you tell me what that history is?

Thorn: ...

You: Ok fine! Anything about the tem shop?

Thorn: yaYA!!! go to TEM SHOP!!!

You: I'm at the tem shop... oh whatever! Here, I will pay for college for you, temmie, because then maybe you can tell me something useful!

Thorn: WOA!! thas ALOT o muns... can tem realy acepts... OKs!!!! tem go to colleg and make u prouds!!! tem bak from cool leg, tem learn MANY THINs, learn to sell new ITEM! yayA!!!

You: Ok... what is it?

Thorn: tem armor so GOOds! any battle becom! a EASY victories!!! but, hnn, tem think... if u use armors, battles wouldn b a challenge anymores, but tem... have a solushun! tem will offer... A SKOLARSHIPS! if you lose a lot of battles, tem wil LOWER THE PRICE! so if you get to TOUGH BATTLE and feel FRUSTRATE, can buy TEM armor as last resort! but tem armor so goods, promise to only buy if you really needs it,

You: You know what, this was a waste of my time. I'm getting out of here!

Thorn: bOI!

You: *goes to save*

Save box: Detemmienation

You: ARGH!

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