One day, Bogalius sat on a stump in a forest, she was lost. She twirled a bottle of purel in her hands.
The bottle was mesmerizing, with its air bubbles around like jellyfish.she looked for a compass but because she was a scout, she didn't have one. If only her guider friend was here. All of a sudden, a demon monkey jumped out of the trees. She took her sword out. Bogalis watched its long toung flickering between its fangs.
She ran, because she didn't know how to wield a sword. A hooded figure ran and stabbed the demon monkey to death. It was Batcat.
"Omigosh! Batcat! Nevermind the demon monkey, look at this bottle of pirel, look at the bubbliness!" Bogalius cried.
Batcat studied the bottle for a moment. "You're lost aren't you." Bogalius nodded. "You should know, you're in my backyard." Bogalius nodded again. She sighed and shook her head. I knew that. I totally knew that."
"But never mind the fact that I was lost. I was looking for the legendary lost treasure of the incas. In your backyard."
"What?" Batcat questioned. "The Incas!" Batcat shook her head. "What the hell are you talking about?" "The legendary lost treasure of the Incas." Batcat shook her head. I don't understand, are you making this up?" Bogalius jumped. "Haven't you ever heard of the , or the Aztecs?" Batcat nodded. "Well, yeah." "It's similar, everyone knows them."
Melinda has never built a snowman.
"Batcat. I swear you live under a rock." Bogalius sighed. "Well, technically, my house is made of brick. So therefore I live under a rock." Bogalius facepalmed. "Speacking of your house. There is a portal in your basement."
"I think I would have noticed a portal in my basement" Batcat explained. "It's hidden behing the legendary wall paper. " Bogalius told her. I donuhave wall paper." Batcat insisted. "Then, its behind the avengers poster you drew a moustache on."
"No, I would have noticed before my brother put it up." Batcat growled. "Then check behind the drywall" Bogalius suggested. She lifted up a sledge hammer and ran into Batcat's house.
Bogalius busted into the basement, she gently removed the poster. "Get the hell out of my-" Batcat couldn't finish, she was cut off by Bogalius, who brutally hacked at her wall. Twice.
Behind the drywall was something that resembled a portal. Probably because it was a portal. Bogalius straightened her back pack and jumped through. "Oh. Mah. Gawsh. What the haell is going on." Batcat sighed. She picked up a bag filled with supplies that she kept in her basement for time like this, and with a last glance around her lovely basement, hopped in after Bogalius.
Bogalius landed on a tree stump. The only thing that was different about this forest, she noticed, was the fact that the grass was purple. Then Bat Cat flew out of the portal and landed on top of her
"Get off me. Bogalius demanded. Batcat rolled off of Bogalius onto the purple grass. Bogalius gasped. "Over there" she gestured exitedl towards a cluster of red barked trees. "That must be the entrance to the lucky lads tunnel, which leads to the legendary cave where the treasure is!"
"What the heck are you talking about?" Batcat growled. Bogalius ran off, waving her arms. With a sigh, Batcat realized she was still holding the plural in one arm. Batcat walked after. "What haell does she think she's doing!?!?!" She growled. Not in a hurry to catch up. This was insane.
After walking for a very long time. They ran into a massive rock
"Grrr! Damnit Bogil. I hate your senseless sense of directionless direction." Batcat hissed. "Let's just-" Batcat was cut of by Bogalius's squeal of delight. "There it is. Goggely goo, I KNEW it!" Bogalius jumped into the tunnel that had opened up at the foot of the rock. It was pitch black, but bogalius was off without a second thought"Please just stop and-" it was no use. Bogalius was as insane as this afternoon. She ran on to the end of the tunnel, which opened up into a giant cave. In the centre was "Protaxtorus!" Bogalius exclaimed. "Its the laughing lagoon and the legendry guardians lot!"
"What the actual-"
Batcat started, but Bogalius was off again. Batcat reluctantly followed, muttering profanity under her breath, hoping they would not get lost, considering that Bogalius was lost her backyard earlier.Purple vines hung from the ceiling and dipped into the turquise waters. On the large rock in the center, the legendary guardian sat "Hi"
"Oh magnificent magoon of margerus" Bogalius adressed her. "Where the- what the- who the heck are you?" Batcat warily demanded. I seriously do no understand, but this must be Bogil's ideal afternoon. Meaning my nightmare.
"Kneel!" Bogalius hissed at her. "Those who stand before the margerus of marchana without kneeling are cursed!" Batcat was ready to trudge back, but Bogalius grabbed her shoulder and pushed her into a kneeling position. "I don't really understand, nor think this is necessar-"
"Ssshhhhh." Bogalius shushed. The the maroon began to talk... "It really isn't necessarily, yes, I know it's custom, but I never get any visitors here." "And where exactly is 'here'?" Batcat questioned.
"Its the legendary lagoon!...duh!" Bogalius exclaimed. "The wh- you know what, never mind." Batcat sighed.
"Why have you come here Bogailus?"
The guardian asked( Batcat called dibs for telling this next part.)
"Treasure!" She squealed like a four year old opening a princess toy as a birthday present.
Batcat facepalmed for the fortyseventinth time that day."Which treasure exactly?" The guardian questioned.
"Can we have the lost treasure of the incas?" Bogalius questioned. "It is said it was hidden here... Its also said to be available in emerald and turquise. I'd like the emerald one please.""It is. But you must prove you are worthy to have it." She pointed to another room. You must fight the tiger."
Behing bars of the thing was a small housecat, coloured brownish orangish with black tabby stripes and a white fluffy underbelly. "Ooooo, I will." Bogalius pulled out a sword "I have a sword"
Batcat inched away "are we sure we can trust her woth sharp objects?"
"No" the guardian said."But I want it!" Bogalius said, she began to throw a fit.
"You need to do it for me, Battie.." Bogalius insisted, wiping a tear from her eye."What. No way, I-" Batcat began to back away with her palms raised defensively
Bat cat couldn't take the sword she couldn't hurt a cat. But before she was going to tell this to Clara the guardian held up her hand. "Very good. You have passed my test.""TREASURE!" Bogalius dashed towards the guardian. "I WANT MY TREASURE!"
"One should never have to hurt another creature to achieve ones goals." The guardian explained. "Then why is my cat here, locked up. That's probably hurting her."She's not actually here,
and neither are you..Batcat woke up on the bus. Shadow.P. Say beside her. "Bogalius just got off, she didn't want to wake you." Batcat nodded slowly. Thank the gods it was just a dream.
Layer that day, Batcat was petting tiger, like she did everyday as soon as she got home. She then noticed that around her cat's neck a a purple vine, and in the centre, there was an emerald. On it was a mini sticky note that read: TREASURE
The end!
Though Bogalius may write an alternative ending.
Tales Told on Bus Rides Past
AcakWe have a long bus ride from our school to our neighbourhoods, so we tell stories to pass the time...