Every Story Has a Begining

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  It was a dark, and stormy night... Well it was day, so. It was a dark, and stormy day... Actually it wasn't stormy at all. So it was just a dark day in the land of the changlings. Which dark is kinda regular there, so I don't know why I made note of it, but anyway. Today was assignment day, the day a changling gets sorted into one of two categories: drone (aka the army), or infiltrator (aka love-food gatherer). The changling #89045 was very... 

(Narrator) "You know what? let's give him a name. how about the name he makes up for himself later?... No we will get to that then... How about "Steve" for now? like that?... Ok! let's continue, so "Steve" ,ok sorry, but that name is super funny, I'm gana put quotes around it to point out the hilarity," 

so "Steve" was nervous, and was eventually sorted into the infiltrator category. All was well, until the queen heard of is "unique" his unique ability to not be affected by her mind control(which the word "unique" describing a changling was enough to get you banned already). He we promptly banished. "Steve" roamed for 36 boring days (so we will skip them) until he happened on a village called, (and nopony saw this coming) "ponyvill"(technically this was the 3rd village he passed but the ponys there rejected him). He then roamed around as a bird for a few days, And broke his wing. Now normally a changling would promptly regenerate said wing by resetting, BUT a yellow pony by the name of fluttershy saw him, and he did not want to blow his cover, so he let it heal normally under her care. During this time he thought A LOT he made a name for himself (actually this came later but I'm tired of calling him "Steve" so) he chose, he chose "nights bane", also under fluttershys care, nights bane met a group called, the cutie mark crusaders, and that's when our story 

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