The Past

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  Narrator "ok let's cut the nonsense I normally do at the beginning and cut to the story (ps yes I'm writing it this time... Not bane like last time) and we continue" Sweety bel "Wha, I, but, and I..." Scootaloo "I think what she's trying to say is "WHAAAT!!!"" They all stand in anticipation on what he is going to say. As the final tear fell he wiped his face and explained his story. Long ago a young changeling was born, he was a little different from the others. No one knew why he was different, but there was no denying he was. He tried to live a regular life, but it was challenging. You see he had a rare disease among the changelings called "free will". Now don't get the name wrong all changelings have free will, but the disease makes it so you are immune to mind control. Crisalis though about sending him away or even "ending" him, but she decided to give him a test. "If he can do as much as any other changeling, and do it without any defiance, I see no reason to banish him". Bane(now) "These words seemed kind then, but later I found they were words full of selfishness. I now know she was only using me for my unique Strengths. I had the ability to not only copy the form of a pony, but to copy there voice and emotional state(changelings normally have to learn how to replicate these on their own). This ability is rare among changelings and very valuable so you can see why she kept me".(back to the story) He now finally had a normal changeling life. He trained day, and night, to become a infiltrator. One day his dream came true and he was drafted into a infiltrator training program. He then immediately got sent out to infiltrate a nearby village. The jobs were easy and trained him well, but he always had this... Uneasy feeling after he finished them. He tried to shrug off this feeling, but it got worse every day. Then one day he was to be given a "test" to see if he could become a infiltrator. He would go into the crystal empire and bring back what's called "strong love". This love is only to be eaten by the queen because it is so powerful. He decided to go to a fancy restaurant to find his target. It took all day to find the perfect couple, but when he did he knew it was too good to be true "A princess in true love" he said to himself, "I must become the stallion". He waited until he left to go get "something" and then swooped in. He had to quickly think of something to give her because the stallion said he was getting her something. He decided on a necklace he stole earlier that day (technically he was given it while stealing love, but same difference). She was delighted to get the gift, but he could tell she was expecting something... Different. Bane stayed there for a full 20 minutes thinking "I can't believe he hasn't come back yet...". Then she said "well this date was wonderful, but I have to leave". A infiltrator is trained to leave when this happens, but remember his "free will" well it was screaming at him to not let this relationship to die because of his actions. So then he became the princess, and the stallion eventually came back. He said "sorry to keep you waiting" bane(as the princess) "oh it's fine it wasn't really that long". After a few minutes of small talk, and romantic mushy stuff, the stallion pulled out a proposal box! Bane(as the princess) acted like she lost track of time and ran off. He then was starving because he had forgotten to stock up normal love for the tip back, but everypony was asleep. He would have to fly overnight starved, this would not do so he took a tiny spark of the powerful love. Even this small spark was powerful enough to make him full and to glow a bright light. He now knew what she was saving this love for and ran in the opposite direction as his home. After two days of travel he couldn't take it anymore. Passing by happy villages that he could never fit into, family's he could never meet, homes he could never stay in, and gave in to go back. When he did crisalis was furious that he ate some, but she forgave him(out of selfishness). She finally had enough love to attack canterlot, but she needed a way to sneak in, and with the information she got from bane she knew how "a wedding?... Perfect." she said.  

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2016 ⏰

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