A Real Life Story:
Prequel to A Real Life Sparkle
The first day of school. It's a win or lose. While you can deny it all you want, most of us want ours to be a win. Why not, that first day, might just determine how the rest of your year goes. And...
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Coral High was about to be shaken at its very foundation. Why? Because Penelope Hwan Park was ready this year. Last year, her freshman, was possibly the worst year of her life. And Penelope was an unlucky person in general, so that was really saying something.
But this year was going to be different. This year, she would defy all odds. Break all boundaries. And while everyone is someone, this year, Penelope was going to be an actual somebody. She could feel it in her bones.
Nope, over the summer she hadn't gotten with the program, and got a complete makeover. She still dressed the same, in baggy bright clothes. She was still short, and wore her clunky boots, refusing to try on a heel. Her hair was still a soggy black mop on her head. She did actually get in the habit of wearing a bun more often, but that was about it. So how did she know this year was going to be different? This year, Penelope was going to make a friend.
While Penelope was bullied and picked on last year, she had picked up a little info here and there. Being alone at school most of the time allowed her to observe her surroundings, and learned just how everything worked at Coral High. She even made a list.
How Things Work:
· To be a popular girl, you must look good and go with the flow. Anything out of ordinary, and you will be dead meat.
· To be a popular girl, wear name brand, have your makeup on point. Don't do cheap makeup, that is just asking to be burned.
· To be a popular girl, pretend you like everyone, and that you are as sweet as honey. Unless it's a girl everyone doesn't like, then you must drag her through the mud.
· To be a popular girl, pretend like you care about the well-being of other people and their rights. In reality, you only pretend to care so that you can be "correct."
· To be popular, always look and act cute. Don't do anything normal or ...normal. That's not cute.
Her list was longer, but those were the notes she brought to school with her that day, as a reminder. Coral high was a nice place, but it was also pretty brutal. If you were like everyone else, obsessed with fashion, social media, and themselves, you would fit in. In fact, you would have a great time. But if you were different, you would find it hard to fit in. And if you faked it, you would feel so strange, sad, out of place, you almost would cry every day before going to school. And afterwards.
Penelope's plan this year was to find a friend, a friend that would stick by her, and hopefully boost her status. And if her friend was popular, normal like everyone else, then maybe everyone would leave Penelope alone, and let her just be herself.
But it wasn't going to be all easy. Penelope had three options to choose from. She would be friends with a girl who had made a new clique over the summer. Hopefully, it would still be building up on members, and Penelope could join right in.