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"He was what??" Harry looked pissed. His whole colour scale shaded darker and I was very taken aback.

"Kissing me." I felt really small next to him. He was taller and stronger than me so mixing all that with a big temper just made it worse.

"I'm going to kill him!" He started to walk out when I pushed him back.

"I kissed him too." I said like it was the most obvious thing ever.

"Why??" He shuddered.

"Because I think I love him!" I was sure this would set Harry off in a rage of whatever he was feeling but he looked down. "I'm not sure." I sighed.

"Well, I hope he makes you happy." Harry said leaving fast. I stood there and in came Louis.

"You ok?? Harry looked sad." He said examining me hard.

"I couldn't feel worse." I said about to gag.

"Do you want something to drink??" He asked.

"No, I should be fine. I really need some time to think about everything. I know what is going on in my mind but other things I don't." I shook my head.

"I'll leave you to it then." He started to head out.

"Wait Louis."

"Yeah??" He asked poking his head in.

"Can you tell Zayn to stay??" I asked looking in the mirror at myself.

"Yeah, sure just be careful. He is still worked up about Harry." He said then continued leaving. I took a couple of deep breaths before I had to face the last person on my list. I walked out and saw him sitting on the couch. I didn't make any noise but he whipped his head around to look at me.

"So..." He trailed his dark voice.

"Yeah." I said indicating I needed him to start talking about something.

"I know you already told them different things but how are you??" He asked.

"Strung out." I said sitting next to him. Obviously I wasn't close enough because he managed to pull me right on top of him. He lay back so that I was lying on his chest.

"Well, want me to help??" He winked a little.

"Look, Zayn, we can't pretend here." I was in a blunt mood. Straight telling Harry I didn't love him and now it was Zayn's turn.

"What do you mean??"

"We can't pretend you're not going to hurt me because in a matter of weeks you are going to kill me." I said yet again blunt.

"Look Chas-"

"Don't call me that."

"Chastity, I don't want to kill you. Every time I'm around you I find another reason why I don't want to. The night we were together something in my mind clicked and I can't anymore." He looked hurt.

"Zayn, I can't be in love with someone who has to decide if they have to kill me or not." I said not catching the word love and shoving it back down my throat.

"You love me??" His eyes became I shinier shade of brown. He was smiling a small refrained smile.

"Well, it's getting there, but it's hard to fully feel it when you have to think about killing me to get power, or not killing me because you think you love me too. Zayn I want to know now if you are going to kill me when the time comes." I watched his face grow hard and stern. I knew the answer I was going to get after I had said that. He has waited his entire life for this moment so don't you think he would take it??

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