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I woke up and make was on my bed. Mark: WASSUP!!! Where's Jacob? Mark: Sleeping and I know u like him. Whattt I said Mark:omg love him! I chased mark jacob had showered and he was in basketball shorts no shirt and I fell on him chasing mark. Me: uh hi sorry. Jacob: it's ok. I up. Mark:if I know y'all u too LOVE each other! He is right I do love her he is right do love him. Mark: we should go to e fair. Me: can my best friend come his name is Brandon. Jacob:sure! Me: I will text him

Me: hey Brando 😀😀😀

Brandooo🙈💜😀: Hey rylez!

Me: come to ##########

Brandooo🙈💜😀:fair? Won my way

*****the end byezzzz

Staying Wity The Sartorius'sDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora