How IT Began

16 1 0

Chapter 1

Date: 614 A.D.

The 16 warriors stood around the kings throne listening to his speech.

"Each of you have been chosen for a specific reason" he bellowed ,his booming voice echoing off the walls. "I chose you to help me defeat the Dark Emperor" he said again pacing to the other side of the room. " The only problem is his minions" he grunted

He walked over and pulled a red velvet cloth of a small table revealing a giant wolf like creature, blacker than night with yellow teeth sharper than a blade. Then he walked over to a table parallel to it and pulled of an identical cloth revealing a giant bird like creature with a blood red beak, giant talons, and wings that could probably stretch to the other end of the room.

Right after the second cloth was off a maid carrying a couple dishes walked in. She saw the two terrible creatures dropped the dishes she was carrying screamed and ran down the hall. A second later two guards ran down the hall after the servant. Then their was another scream.

"This is a private room" the king yelled and then continued "I will send you into his castle and from there you shall... assassinate him" "but first I assume that you should get to know each other" he finished and walked away.

"Well I guess I shall go first" one said " I am Trevor"

" I am Savanna." Soon they all were saying their names.

" Fredric "

" Willow "

" Samuel "

" Daniel " a woman ,wearing a strange looking cloak, said.

" Yvonne "

" Gaston " a man with a french ascent said.

" Suzann "

" Henri "

"Payton "

" Diane "

" Hate " a man carrying a sword that looked way to big for any one man to carry.

" Reine "

" Jenniver "

" And I am Erin "

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