The Story of my Life

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Chapter 2

Date: 2013 A.D.

I scratched the back of my hand violently. I've hade a rash there for a... well since my birthday actually.(Oops. Sorry I forgot to introduce myself I'm Erin Sanders I'm just your average 14 year old. I have jet black hair, icy blue eyes, average height, and I am in 8th grade.)

I just started walking home. Past the limo that drives by me everyday when I walk home. I get to the front of my house and saw that there was a moving truck two houses down.

" Finally, that has been up for sale for like two years " ,I say out loud to myself.( I do that a lot.)

I saw a kid wearing a ball cap jump out of the back of the truck. I waved but he just pretended that I wasn't there and continued to carry a box inside.

" Rude much " I whispered to myself. and walked inside.

'That weird' I thought to myself 'my mom is never usually home this early'. I walked over to the kitchen.

" Hey mom " I said as I walked over and have her a hug.

" I got off of work early and decided to start making dinner"

" O.K. " I replied and ran out into the back yard.

I climbed up the ladder that led to my treehouse.( Yes I know it's kind of childish but I've gone up here every day since I was like seven and I'm not going to stop now.)

I'm not up there for more than two seconds and my mom calls me down.

" Erin go help your father in the garage "

" Uuuugghhh "

I hate going in there. All he does whenever he's not at work is work on that piece of junk he calls a car in the garage. It's never going to work so I don't even know why he even tries.

"Hey dad" I say as I walk into the garage.

"Hey En you mind handing me the wrench?" he asked

My dad and his stupid nicknames. (Just watch I bet he'll say another one.)

"So son" ( Never mind guess I was wrong) " Your starting high school next year." he stated.

"Dad it's October." I said

"Just kidding, so you got a girl friend" he joked.

I smacked my forehead. He still doesn't know I'm gay.( If you don't like that kind of thing turn back now.)

"Kidding again, but I do need you to do something."


"Your grandparents are coming over for the weekend so I need you to clean out the spare room"

"Really" I complained

" Yes really, but ill give you twenty bucks if you do" He whispered.

"Fine" I gave in its no use arguing with my parents.

My mom will just stare you down until you do it. and my dad will bribe you like what just happened.

I started to walk to the spare room and my mom stopped me.

"Dinners ready" she said.

"Cool what are we having?" I asked.

"Macaroni, hot dogs, and Brussels sprouts"

"Eww, again"(as you can tell I don't like them)

"Yes, and you are going to eat it weather you like it or not"

"Actually dad just told me to clean out the spare so... yeah"

"Fine but you will eat something before you go to bed" she scolded.

"Mom it's Friday do you really think I'm going to go to bed" I said as I walked int the guest room.

Boxes, on top of boxes, on top of .boxes. That pretty much describes our spare room.

" Hey, it's my old base ball bat"

And I walked over to the window, opened it, and threw it out.

" I hated base ball"

I shuffled through more boxes. I threw most of it (not out the window) and a lot of it were things that mom was actually missing. Like her scrapbooking kit ( bleh), candles, and lots of other things I don't fell like naming.


Three and a half hours later


"Finally I finished" I gasped " Oh there is another box in the corner. I walked over and picked it up.

" It's really small" I said as I opened.

It was a small golden chest embroidered with gems of all different colors.

" Cool" I said and opened it. there was a blinding flash of light and every thing went black.

AN: sorry I never update I'm just realy lazy. I will try to update sooner. also if I have any grammer errors please tell me.

If you didn't like it don't like it but if you did please do.




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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2014 ⏰

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