part 4- the camping trip

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*after the library*
Marinette and Alya exited the library first. To be more correct, Marinette almost ran out of the library, pulling Alya along with her. Alya insisted that Adrien and Marinette should sit together, and while Marinette was a complete mess, Alya slipped a note to Nino:
Can we talk after? Stay behind.
Nino replied
Sure. But why?
At that Alya just smirked devilishly and winked at him. Oh no. Nino thought. He knew this had something to do with Adrien and Marinette. He just knew it. So after the study he stayed behind while Alya jogged back in.
"How did you get past Marinette?" Nino asked.
"I told her I forgot my phone." Alya smirked."Like that would ever happen."
" Yeah." Nino briefly snickered.
" Where is Adrien?" Alya asked, looking around, as if trying to spot a spy.
"Photoshoot. Poor, poor dude."
" I'm sure Marinette is on her way there."
"Why do you say that?"
"Oh, a best friend's hunch." They laughed.
"Anyway, why did you call me here?"
"Read this." Alya passed the letter to Nino. After reading it his eyes widened a little, but then he grew a wide smirk. Alya knew what that means. She already prepared a fist, when he said:
" Looks like you and I are not the only Adrienette shippers anymore."
Alya stood silent for a minute, then said:
" Huh?????"
" What?" Nino laughed out loud.
" I thought you were going to say I wrote that or something like that!" Alya exclaimed.
" Nah, this is to sappy for you, besides you can't be that polite." Nino said with a pokerface.
Alya, never let go of that fist, so she punched him in his left shoulder.
"Ouch! You pack a punch, little lady." Said Nino, grining.
" Little lady?" Alya raised an eyebrow.
" Uh-huh. I noticed Chat Noir say it a lot."
"Oh, and what did I do to deserve that title?"
"Well, because I wuv you." Said Nino as he grabbed her by the waist, leaned her backwards (if that line even makes sence), and kissed her. After the kiss they let go of each other for a moment, then he grabbed her by the waist again, but just held her this time.
"Wow, well aren't you an expert kisser." Alya exclaimed, with a little blush and a little flustered.
"Well, aren't you all cute and hot when you get flustered?" Nino said.
They touched noses and leaned their forheads against eachothers.
Then Alya remembered something:
"Wait, you said you and I are Adrienette shippers?"
Nino fake pouted: " How didn't you know that? Everyone sane wants them together, and so do I. Honestly, like you don't know your boyfriend at all."
"Hahahaha I know you, I just never heard you say it." Alya laughed as she sneaked her arms around his neck.
" So then, what do you ask of me, little lady?"
"Will you help me, Mr.DJ?"
"Hm, why should I?" Asked Nino as he tried to have a frown.
"Because you wuv me." Alya said as this time she leaned in and kissed him. Nino sighed into the kiss, and after a minute they let go again.
"Well, you persuaded me, Mrs. Journalist."
"Then I should do this more often, DJ man."
"I don't mind if you do." Nino said as he kissed her neck. At that, she gasped, but did not resist.
"Don't worry, we will not go any further than this in the library-" at that, Alya frowned"- but what use do I have from Adrien and Marinette hooking up?"
"Well, we could go on double dates, then ditch them and continue this elsewhere." She seductivley said as she scraped her fingernails on the back of his neck.
"Well, then I'm in." Nino said.
" That's great, welcome to the team." She said as she slowly kissed him again, this time French style, but after a couple of minutes the had to separate for air, a trail of saliva connecting them. Right on cue, both Marinette and Adrien sent messages to their friends. Alya and Nino groaned out of annoyance and said:
"Well, it seems that we are out of time." Nino said.
"Don't worry, after tommorrow we will have plenty of time." She winked.
"Well, see you at school tommorrow, its the last day!"
"Yeah, see ya!" Alya winked and started jogging back in the direction of Marinette's house, taking the letter with her.
Nino looked her way and said:
"Ah, she wrapped me around her finger again." He took his bag and walked to Adrien's house.

*the next day at school*
It was the last day of school, before the summer started. And it was the last class, with their teacher, Miss Bustier. The children begged to be let out earlier, but the teacher just said:
"Calm down, I have an important announcement!"
The kids went silent, they started to dislike that word, since the last announcement they received wasn't very great.
"As you know, there is a tradition in this school. The tradition is, taking a camping trip to the Alps." At that, most of the students groaned, all except Adrien. Great, he thought, while my friends are at the Alps having fun, I will have a stinking photoshoot in Milano, like every year.
"However." At that all of the students looked curiously at the teacher.
"The tradition will continue, but in a different place." What? All of the students thought.
"Since one of our students, Adrien Agreste, has been working so hard over these past years, his father decided to reward him."
Adrien honestly thought his father was sick or something.
"This year , and this year only, we will be going to the island of Brač (read it as Brach, or search the name up) in Croatia. We will be there from July 1st to July 31st. Take wathever you need, but you will need to exchange currency from euros to kunas ( honetsly, its inetersting how Croatian currency is named after an animal, kuna=martin)..." Everybody stopped listening and only thought of their camping trip. At the seaside! But then, Miss Bustier said:
"I'm also sorry to say that Chloe and Max wont be joining us. Max is in Japan with his family, while Chloe is on a tour in the USA with her father."
At that the entire class erupted in cheers. No Chloe and a camping at the beach? BEST. HOLIDAY. EVER!!!!!

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