Liquor With a Shade of Purple

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Jess' eyes widened at the sound of that name coming out of Malcolm's mouth. She felt her palms growing sweaty and her throat closing up with air only entering and escaping through her flared nostrils. "I'm guessing he has something to do with these case files?" She managed to ask with a raspy sounding tone as Malcolm carried a file over to her. "I received this from the police files earlier today, since I'm lucky enough to work here and at the station, it's pretty easy to find all the hidden trash that's never exposed." As he stood in front of her, he opened the manilla folder containing at least ten pages of case notes, clippings, explicit photos, documentation and a warrant sheet. "This girl, Karen Page was murdered the other night from Bleach poisoning which was done herself, cuts and contusions were also found on her body. All of these have been confirmed to be done by herself. The next one is a guy named Ben Urich, he was found last week hanging from his bedroom ceiling with no cause of struggle so of course they believe suicide." "Life is shitty, how do you know it's Kilgrave instead of just two people who hate it in this hell hole? The girl I can give reason to Kilgrave but with no signs of.." Jess paused as she saw a purple smiley face on the shirt of Ben which seemed to have been painted there. The same could be said for Karen who had one on her left wrist. "Well I'll be damned, I need some liquor, Vodka sounds nice. Give me everything you have on this when I get back. I'm going to the drug store." Jess said with a firm tone as she walked solemnly to her door.
Upon leaving Malcolm to work, she headed down to the elevator which was crappy as all get out, jamming every now and then but was still quicker and much more tolerable than those stupid stairs. Jess combed her fingers through her dark chocolate brown hair with a hint of grimace on her face. "Shit I really need a shower.. Come on you fucking elevator."She combed her fingers through her dark chocolate hair which brought a look of grimace upon her face. "I really need a shower." She muttered to herself as the elevator finally arrived and when the doors opened, to her disgust she found the two lesbians that lived down the hall from her making out in the far right corner. "Fucking a can you take that shit somewhere else?" Jess asked in a more obnoxious tone than intended, it's not like she cared if they were lesbian, she just didn't want that shit in her face. The two girls made their way out after trading annoyed looks towards the former heroine which left her alone in the elevator. Upon arriving on the bottom floor, she walked outside and headed down the more emptier than usual sidewalk to the drug store. As she took in the smell of moisture from the environment surrounding her, she heard the small echoes of crying from what sounded like a young girl. "Dammit Jess just keep walking, don't get involved.. Don't get involved.." She kept telling herself but found her steps taking the detour towards the cries that got louder. "Shit." Jess muttered as the cries grew louder until she saw the girl but there was something.. Or someone next to her that she never wanted to see tonight.

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