Poem 21. David Jones

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Poem 21. David Jones
At first glance
I might be wondering why he's
Sleeping in front of my building on the ramp
So instead of flying out the door
And roaming down the street as quick as my feet can take me
Skipping out fast
I come back to my cozy apartment and relax
Something tells me to stop and ask questions

He says he's plugged up to the outside jack because its the only place he can charge his phone at the moment.
He's a fairly young man
And now I'm suspecting he's at risk or homeless
I grab a cheeseburger special from the spot around the corner because its the only place open at 3 in the morning.

His face lights up because he's hungry but I think more out of shock that Id think to check on him and go out of my way.
Sometimes just knowing someone cares about you feeds your soul more than any meal can curb your hunger.

We get to talking and he shares with me that he doesnt have a home or place to sleep but has 2 part time jobs. That he has been through the shelter 3 times and no one helped him get transitional living housing even with a source of income.
I texted a young woman I helped in the past his age who now works in services helping teens and young adults and made a meeting time for him to go get help from her the next day;
gave him a metrocard and $10 and some love I now felt shining from the inside.
Today 23% of Brooklynites live in poverty and more of them are losing their homes.
Let's all pray tonight for 25 year old David Jones.

Written by Valerie Gamache
(c) ShockRA Entertainment LLC
on 9/19/16, 3:21 AM EST
All RightsReserved.
[Day 11 of 40 of the #JossieThacker #WritingChallenge]

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