Part 11

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Kyah's POV
I woke up in a dark room.
All I remember is a man dressed in black knocking out joey and another dragging me away.
I tried to stand up but I got dragged back down and I heard a huge bang.
I looked down and I was locked up with chains.
"HELP" I screamed "SOMEONE PLEASE" I sobbed but there was nothing.
All of a sudden someone barged through the doors.
"Your water bitch" he said and chucked a bottle of water at me.
I grabbed the water and instantly drank it because I was so dehydrated.
"W-where am I" I asked "hell" he said with an evil laugh "what do you want from me" I said "you can't know that information right now" he said and left.
I sat there in a dark for a while thinking...
What if no one finds me and joey moves on, what if he finds someone better than me and doesn't want me anymore the thoughts kept going round and round my head and I couldn't take it anymore everything just went black.
Joeys POV
I woke up in the car with everyone else.
"Where's Kyah" I said and jumped up "we don't know" Abbie said looking down "WE NEED TO GO FOLLOW HER" I yelled "Joey calm down Shawn is working on it" Amy said "but she is gone! We need to get her back" I yelled "Joey we know the name of the people and now Shawn can track them down" Mark said "b-but what if they do something to her before we get there" I said "Joey the more you stress the more time it's gonna take for me to track them down" Shawn said and I stopped talking.
Abbie's POV
We drove home and I went up to my room.
I can't believe they took Kyah, I can't just sit here and wait for her to return.
"Babe come one it's late" Cameron said kissing me.
We laid down for a bit and I waited for Cameron to go to bed and I made a group chat with the girls.
Me: guys are you still awake
Charlotte💘: yeh what's up?
Amy💗: yeh I am
Me: I'm packing my bags, I'm going for kyah😬
Amy💗: well then I'm coming
Charlotte💘: yeah me too
Me: meet me down stairs in 10
I turned off my phone and started to pack my bags.
Once I'd finished packing I went downstairs and the girls were already down there.
"You ready to go" I said and they nodded.
We've been walking for 5 hours and I'm tired as hell.
"How much further" Charlotte said.
"Shhhh" I said and they looked at me with a confused look.
The car that took off with kyah was right in front of us and I heard people talking.
I gestured the girls over and they realised what I was on about.
"What are we gonna do with her" one of the men said "beat her until she can't take anymore and then we throw her in the river" the other one said and Amy gasped "shhhh" Charlotte said.
We ran around the back and there was a window.
I opened it and realised kyah was in there.
"Abbie" she said "kyah come on" I said "I'm stuck" she said "shit" "hold the door" I said to the girls and I jumped in.
I un done all of the chains and we climbed through the window.
We ran and ran and ran for about 2 hours non stop and we decided to go into to store.
Camerons POV
This morning I woke up and Abbie wasn't next to me.
I walked downstairs to get breakfast and Ethan and Grayson ran down stairs.
"Has anyone seen Charlotte and Amy" they asked "what has anyone seen Abbie" I said with a worried tone.
Everyone shook there heads and we all looked worried.
I ran upstairs and realised some of Abbie's things are gone.
I was looking through everything and I found a note.
Cameron xx
Hi look I know that this is the wrong thing to do but...
I need to find kyah, my bestfriend is missing and none of us know where she is and we all know Shawn won't be able to find her!
Please don't get mad or go looking for me because I will come back I promise but if you come look for me we probably won't see each other again so promise me you won't go looking for me.
I love you ♥️
Abbie xx
I showed the boys the note and none of us knew what to do.
Amy's POV
Once we finished at the shops we decided to start walking again even though we didn't know where we were.
"Ahhhhhhhh" I heard someone screamed.
I turned around and seen Abbie get dragged into a car.
"HELP" she screamed.

What's gonna happen 😶😱
Read tomorrow's chapter to find out 😬

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