Chapter 3

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I woke up in what seemed to be the morning. I was next to Stefan and I began to worry. Did he get me drunk and used me? I got up immediately and went straight into the kitchen. Niamh was there and her hair was in such a mess. When me and Stef got back they were still at it so we had to bury our ears into our pillows and oh yeah! I remembered now! He didn't get me drunk and use me! I felt better and then sat next to Niamh.

"Hey," she said. I smiled.

"Hey, you know when me and Stef got home we heard this banging noise. Were you and Ash jumping on the bed?" I asked. Niamh went red immediately.

"Shut up." She said, turning around and drinking her coffee. I couldn't stop laughing. I hugged her and she hugged me back.

"Is he good?" I asked in our hug.

"Ye- wait!" She said, shoving me off, "shut up!" Ash came in and went red.

"H-hey Niamh. Hi Vicky." He said, keeping his eyes down. Rosie then skipped down.

"We heard you too!" I said, raising my eyebrows at her. She freezed and then walked backwards and out of the kitchen. I laughed. 

"So," Niamh said, "did you and Stef get up to anything last night?"

"No," Ash said, "Stefan is louder than me. We would have heard." He was grinning.

"Oh," I said, raising an eyebrow, "I don't know, you two were drowning us out."

"So something did happen?" Niamh said, eyes dancing.

"No. I was kidding." I smiled. Dru then came down and got two cups of coffee. He turned around and looked me up and down.

"Hey Vicky. Did you and Stefan get up to anything last night?" He grinned, his eyes meeting mine.

"No. As Ash pointed out, you would have plainly heard us." I smiled. Dru shrugged and then started walking back into his room.. He was in a blue dressing gown and pink bunny slippers. I laughed at that fact and then turned it into a cough when he turned around. He narrowed his eyes at me and then went back into his room. 

"I'm going to take Niamh out in half an hour, go and get ready." Ash winked. Niamh smiled, blushing, and then went back upstairs. She was swishing her butt around on purpose, but it worked, as Ash couldn't take his eyes off of it. I was grinning. He turned back around to me.

"What?" He snapped. I shook my head and waved it away, turning around and making myself some coffee. Lot's of people had drunk coffee this morning.  I practically tipped it down my throat and then headed back into Stef's room.

                Stefan was up now and was laying in his bed, his shirt off. I nearly took a step back. He might not have had muscles, but it was just so... fit! I climbed back in bed and closed my eyes. I felt a warm finger tracing my jawline and my eyes snapped open. I looked at Stefan who seemed to be mesmerised by my jaw. Then his eyes snapped up to mine and he pushed my face with his finger so I was looking at him. His hands went to mine and he held them. His face got closer and closer and I wasn't sure who was moving, me or him. Suddenly, my heart started racing as his perfect lips brushed mine. 

"You're amazing." He said, his eyes on my lips. I wanted to speak, but no words would come out of my mouth.

Finally I said, "just shut up and kiss me." A smile formed on his lips and my heart lurched. Suddenly, his lips clamped down onto mine. They fit perfectly. I could feel his tongue praying at my lips, so I opened them at let it in. It was the most perfect kiss I'd ever experienced. His hands now at my waist, I wanted to give myself to him right then and there. But I had to be strong, so I kept my hands from snapping straight to his boxers. And then, bliss ended, I had to pull away. Stefan fell forwards a few inches until his jaw connected with my shoulder. 

"Ow!" He moaned, straightening, "why'd you stop?" I smiled and then got up. 

"It had to stop sometime." I said, my back to him, and then I felt a finger loop around a hole in Stefan's top which I was wearing. He pulled back and I was pulled onto the bed.

"You're mine. You're not going anywhere." Stefan said in my ear. He turned me around and pressed his nose against mine, "I want you, you know that?" Just those words being said made my heart race so fast I thought it would pop out of my chest. His breath was playing at my lips. I couldn't help myself. My lips clamped onto his and I climbed on top of him, my lips never leaving his. We broke away for a second.

"Can we?" He asked, his eyes burning into my soul. I regained my control.

"No. Sorry Stefan," I said. I smiled slightly and rolled over before standing.

"It's okay. I understand if you want to wait. I don't particularly want to, but anything for you, my dear." He said, smiling that heart-shaking smile. I narrowed my eyes at him. I couldn't hold it in anymore.

"I hate you." I said before going over to him and kissing him hard.

                I went into the living room to find that Niamh and Ash had left and Dru and Rosie were holding their hands to their ears. Rosie saw me with raised eyebrows and removed her hands. Dru did the same and a smirk played at his lips.

"You said that you could hear me! You should have heard you two! Stefan is really, really loud. Louder than Ash and Niamh, for gods sake!" She said, angrily.

"Stefan finally got you in bed then?" He asked. I sneered.

"Shut up." I said. I was in Stefan's top and that was it apart from my pants anyway. Niamh and Ash came through in the front door, stumbling around, totally fucking drunk. Niamh normally never got drunk, but I think Ash made her lay back and fucking drink the whole bar. Niamh grabbed his hand and tried to lead him into thier room gracefully and romantically, but Niamh + Alchohol = Totally ungracefull. She tripped and brought both her and Ash down to the floor. They were laughing. They started kissing in the door frame so I shouted at them to get inside thier room. They looked up, as if just noticing that I was there and then crawled inside, laughing. I sighed, but then laughed. I did love Niamh sometimes. She was a great friend and never let me down, but for some reason, Ash was making a big difference on her. It was a good difference though. It made her more like my sister. My sister was back in my old town, which I moved from. Me and Joe had left as soon as our stepdad told us to. Joe was eighteen at the time and I was sixteen, so we went. That's where I'd met Niamh and Rosie. Stefan came down, holding his head. He moved his hand and I saw a massive bump where he'd slammed it against the wall.

"Ooh," Dru said, "rough sex then?" Stefan glared at him before sitting down. I yawned, tired.

"I might go to bed." I said, rubbing my eyes. I went upstiars and got in Stefan's bed. I enhaled his sweet smell before falling into a world of dreams.

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