???!Adam x Slave!Hybrid!Reader (pt 1)

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" im sick of your shit!" He yelled bashing his hand against the table.

" Im taking you back!" He screamed at me before I blacked out from him bashing his fist into my head.

That was two weeks ago, and it not the first time something like that happened. I woke up in the dusty bed, and got up doing my exercises in the small cell. Oh sorry to be a bother, but my name is (y/N) and I am a slave or maid as you could call me. I get rented   quickly and they always want the same thing from me, my virginity.

I never went along with it no matter what they did, and would be returned. Me being a fox hybrid didn't help much but was appreciated by the other slaves. My ears kept them warm in the cold stone room that we had.

The rooms were connected, so we would visit often to keep from breaking down in depression. I was talking with the youngest girl here, her name was May. She was 15 and for most of us being in the 19-24's that was a big difference, and I was cared for her. Like a mother would. We were talking about our old lives and making fun of the people who came here, when Jeremy knocked on the window wall, moving his head so I could go back to my cell. I nodded and rushed back saying a long goodbye to May, as I maked my way back ( making my downtown walking fast, faces pass and im home bown DADADADA... Sorry ).

When I got back Jeremy walked in with a man. He had short brown curly hair and brown eyes with glasses, he was also wearing a gold and purple amulet.

" ( Y/N) this is Adam he will be renting you. Get you stuff ready, you are leaving in 5." He said walking out of the room leaving me and Adam.

I sighed heavily and walked over to him, holding out my hand. " Im (y/N) and I will be your maid for as long as you wish. But I need to pack so please step out of the room." I said shaking his hand.

He nodded and walked out letting go of my hand, and I went to pack. I had hoodies, jeans, fluffy socks, headphones, my phone, and other needed things.

When I walked out he grabbed my hand and smiled warmly, as I smiled back at him, bag in hand. We were lead out, and got into a car. ' let's see how long this one last.. ' I thought, slowly drifting asleep In my new masters car.

Heh but real though, thanks for reading and I'll see ya later!


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