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The next day was no better, with my mind replaying the goddamn kiss over and over again in my mind.
Kyle had me wrapped around his little finger without any visible effort. His eyes sparkled as he looked at me from the end of the lunch room before lowering his head and dashing out.

Perplexed by his weird behavior, i dug out everything i could about this sweet man. Turns out, he is an introvert, and hated interacting with people. (I rolled my eyes at this.) I mulled over the fact for almost half of the day. I saw him twice today and both times, he was painfully shy. I remember he had furiously blushed and his nose had turned bright red when i called him out. He had dashed like a madman from the corridor, no doubt collapsing along the way out.

A laugh bubbled up as i thought about it. The blueberry mush stuck to my hand seemed inviting as i licked a trail from the base to my fingers. The pie shell sat ready on the counter aand i wasted no time filling it with the tart paste. The oven whizzed and the soft notes of vanilla spread across the kitchen. I sigh, mumbling a song as i look for my fill of vanilla ice cream.

The shrill cry of the doorbell rang through the living area and i bound across to open the door, just in time to spill my tub over him. Kyle looked shocked, which then turned into an incredibly mischevious smile that made my heart flip. Pushing me inside he shut the door behind him and somehow managed to lock it
(He may b a wizard but thats my thinking, isnt it??).

"Kneel" he demanded, looking into my eyes and for reasons unknown, i complied. "You spilled your icecream??" He asked, his tone solft and mellow, and his fingers barely brushing the skin on my neck. The action was subtle, but strong enough to get a reaction. A shiver ran through my body and without a second thought, i nodded my head. He scooped a bit of the cold wetness onto his fingers and held it out for me. Tenatively, i put out my tongue. What happened next is a blur. In one swift moment, his lips were on mine, with the cold wetness passing back and forth. My body jolted as electricity coursed through me, electrifying every nerve in my body. A warmth settled over me as looked into my eyes, his lips curled upwards in approval and it was really difficult to imagine that this was the guy who screamed bloody murder and ran down the corridor when i called his name. A cool breeze danced across my skin and i realised that my shirt had been pulled over. It lay near the counter, rumpled into a muscles flexed from the cold air blowing across the room.

"Dont move.." he said, his tone held promise that i would be rewarded, that whatever was coming my way was worth the wait. He made his way across the room and into the kitchen, and rummaged through the fridge. Too warm to notice my surroundings, i couldnt focus on what kyle had brought from the kitchen.

A smooth cloth descended over my eyes and i gasped. He kissed my hair and held my hand, whispering sweet nothings in my ear. My heart slowed its frantic rythm and body sagged into him. He held me close, and for tje first time, i felt like i belonged.

He let me go and moved to the corner. With my eyes blindfolded, the other senses hightened incredibly, to the extent that the soft breeze that was drafting through the room felt like a million feathers carressing my exposed skin.

Cold. Hard. Painful. Warm. Wet.
Each feeling repeated and i soon realised that this pleasurable torture was too much for me. I moaned , as the cold, hard icecube slid down my skin, leaving whisperingly painful rivulets of cold water behind. And every rivulet, no matter how small, was excrutiatingly licked by his warm, wet tongue

Every touch, every kiss  every bite, registered itself, burning into my mind as i melted all over the place. My body screamed with pleasure and i felt his lips on my skin, upturned in a smile. He was pleased with me

And somehow,

In that moment,

Thats all mattered to me




Melting all over like icecream in summer

The beginning of something

The end of something

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