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I woke from the nightmare with a gasp, my lungs painfully sucking in air, as sweat beaded on my body. Darkness enveloped me and i groped around the bed for the warmth that was missing from the last 6 months. Bittersweet memories surfaced as i turned the lights on, looking at the bed that was now disheveled. Six months had passed, and yet, it seemed as though it was yesterday. We had rushed him to the hospital immediately after he had collapsed. Hours of waiting, the agonizing moments of seeing the doctors enter and leave the emergency room, the clocks seemed cruel that day, each one taunting us, showing us that what felt like hours was only minutes in reality. The doctors conferred as i broke down in the hallway. "Septicemia...", they had agreed. All reports were checked, all symptoms pointed to it. Kyle had known. He had seen all his reports, visited doctors and received treatment in secret, maintained anonymity to prevent the burden on his brother.

Sobs wracked my body as i collapsed onto the floor, my skin craving his touch, even if for a minute. I would gladly trade my soul for a day with the beautiful guy that had stolen my heart. The pillow lay on my bed, soaked in tears from before my sleep, and the ones that came after it. Brandon was devastated when knew of kyle's condition. He had clutched kyle's hands and cried, blamed himself for kyle's condition. I still remember how kyle had smiled and asked Brandon to calm down. His hands shivered when he hugged him slightly, but he had succeeded.

The memories of him, now lay as paintings on the walls of my home, each singing a mournful melody of its own. I cried myself to sleep, nothing could fill the gaping hole that kyle had left me with. I had met him the day they said would be his last. I remember the doctor's name, Evan, as he smiled at me, silently consoling me as he led me into the room. Kyle was sitting on his bed, his usually pink cheeks, now a sickly white as varied tubes entered his skin. A lone sob escaped my lips and kyle shushed me. "Please, Adam....don't hurt me."  I immediately hugged him close, tears freely flowing from my swollen eyes. He gingerly brought his lips to my eyes kissing away the tears. "You ll always be my masterpiece, Adam.."he said, his voice hoarse from the continued vomiting. He kissed my lips and touched my forehead to his, mumbling under his breath. "Sleep with me?" He said, scooting over as i lay beside him. "Adam, promise me, you'll let me go when time comes..." He said, his voice shaky from the tears he was holding back. I nodded, not trusting my voice, because if i had a choice, i would never let my kyle go. "Mine" he whispered, as he hugged me. I hugged him back, silently sobbing into the pillow.

The memories were all that kept me alive now. I dragged myself into the shower as the water pelted my skin, reducing the agony for just a bit as i sighed. It was four in the morning. I changed and got into the car, driving past the houses till the cement jungle thinned and gave way to the forests. The birds were awake, the dawn kissing the horizon, inviting me to join kyle in eternity. I stopped the car and got down. The gates creaked as the angels looked down at me in the first rays of sunlight. I walked through the graves of millions, feeling each soul, sadness of them commanding respect as i reached my destination.
"I cannot do this alone..." I said as tears dripped onto the headstone. Cold stone met the warmth of my hands and the wind blew slowly, singing a lullaby for the ones who had passed. Fresh air brought the fragrance of wildflowers and pine-cones with it. Kyle's mind came alive and i turned around to see a small boy holding a wreath in one hand. He was accompanied by another woman. "Who are you?" He asked me quizzically, his brown eyes wide, staring at me as though i had committed a crime. I smiled at him. "The man here, was my boyfriend..." I said, tear welling up in my eyes. The boy reached out and wiped away the tears, an adorable pout now gracing his flushed lips. "He was a friend...." The woman said, quietly laying down the wreath on the grave beside kyle's. And in that moment, over the quiet of the winds, in the cold light of the sun,Adam realized that in his arms that were now empty, kyle had found peace. And somehow, for Adam....

That was everything.




So soo soo sorry

Kyle is dead.
My beautiful, innocent kyle.

But no worries, fluffy ppl....

Adam shall find kyle again

....Stay tuned for another ....
...Quiet, innocent...
Turn on

Till then

~be good to yourself~

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