Authors Note and Introduction

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This is going to be a Hibari X OC. Please don't hate or comment about my grammar and stuff because I'm just bad at it in every language ( hahaha......why am I laughing this is actually sad). This is not prescribed. And I also have no plan on how often I'm going to update or how long this story is going to be. So let's just make a surprise out of it. My story is going to start after the whole Arcobaleno arc from the manga. So basically the end of the manga (not the anime). Introduction of the OC:

Name: Yuki Kohina
Age: 17

Yuki is in her second year at the All-Girls Highschool in Namimori: Midori-Koko
(In my story Hibari is at this time already 18 and is in his last year of high school. He used to attend a night school so that he can be the disciplinary Chairman of Namimori-Chu in the daytime. He left his position there to someone he personally chose, but he goes to check from Time to Time. He is now also the disciplinary Committee Chairman at the High-school Namimori-Koko. Tsuna etc. are in their first year of the same school, Haru is the only one who is also in the all-girls Highschool)

Family: little sister - Ayumi 8 years old Father - Seito 45 years old.

Hair color: brown

Eye color: blue/green

Height: 166cm

Weight: 45kg

(For my story, Hibari grew taller. Here he is 178. The others also grew taller.)
The picture should be an idea of how she looks. I didn't find a better picture but I think this one is good. I don't own this picture.

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