Babysitting. YIKESS!

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Jazmyn's P.O.V

As soon as YN walked out that door and it closed a evil smile crept upon my face as I turned around towards the boys and clapped my hands together, of course I had something planned for tonight and it was gonna be epic. Ray gave me that look like I know what you're up too and I don't trust you. Ha! Was he serious? He has no idea what's gonna happen tonight and trust me it's not anything bad, no one is gonna end up in the hospital.. I hope. I glanced over at Princeton and he looked concerned but I knew he was a bit scared; like I told YN before I'm seven NOT SLOW. My eyes averted from Prince to Roc, he had his back turned away from me and was talking to someone on his phone, I crossed my arms and walked over to him.

"Roc can you help me with the cookies? I think their done cooking." I said in a baby voice.

He turned towards me and started laughing a bit, it wasn't me who made him laugh it was that girl on the phone with him. "Huh?" He said almost in a whisper.

I poked my lips out. "The cookies!" I whined. "Help me with the cookies please."

"I'm on the phone Jazmyn, ask Prince to help you." He said as he turned around continuing his conversation.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed Princeton's hand pulling him to the kitchen, once we got in there he check the cookies for me. They were done. I smiled as I watch Prince take them out the oven, placing them on the counter and closing the oven. He smiled at me and walked over to the sink and started washing his hands, suddenly Ray came in the kitchen and rushed over to the fridge. He pulled out a juice box and was on his way out the kitchen until he saw the cookie I MADE sitting on the counter. He started walking towards them but I quickly stopped him by standing in front of him but that didn't work well because when he saw me he simpliy chuckled and pushed me out of his way. I poked my lips to the side. Just because he's big he thinks he can just push me around! I did what I always do to people with height advantages, I stomped on his foot making him groan in pain and drop the straw to his juice box, I stepped on his straw twice than kicked it away from me. I smiled as I looked up at Ray, I could tell he was mad and it made me smile even more. Prince came over to me looking at the situation, Ray let out a deep sigh of frustration as he stomped out the kitchen; I looked at him giving him an innocent smile which made him laugh a bit.

"Alright Jazmyn the cookies are real hot right now so we're gonna have to wait awhile until they cool off." He told me.


"Wanna watch some T.v while we wait?" He asked.

"Sure." I said as I rushed in the living room.


Worst Decision Ever! I sat on the couch with an empty plate that once had cookies on it in front of me, I've been sitting here for about two hours with nothing to do. I had already ate ALL the cookies and watched all my favorite shows so I had nothing to do, Prince was laid across the carpet writing in his notebook with headphones in his ear, I knew he was really into what he was writing so I wasn't gonna disturb him. Ray was upstairs in his room with the door closed blasting music, I figured that he was trying to avoid me but Imma get him soon. And as for Roc, well I have no idea where he is or what he's doing and honestly I don't really care because he rather talk to some girl on the phone instead of me. I just realized something.. They are the WORST babysitters EVER! I miss my sister! I sighed deeply and changed my position on the couch hoping to get some attention but I wasn't loud enough. So I cut off the t.v and sighed deeply again while changing my position again but Princeton still didn't look at me; I got up and laid down on the ground and groaned loudly. I rolled over to Prince and flopped my arms on his back as I groaned out my boredom, he glanced at me as he took out his head phones; I decided to sit up and look at him with a straight face.

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