Ch. 29 - Plans and Worries.

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Pic above is Micah!


"What are we going to do for Thanksgiving?" Mykailla inquired of Micah, washing dishes.

"That's not for a couple more weeks." Micah replied, looking through the job section of the paper. He was getting tired of his current job.

"So? We need to plan ahead! Thanksgiving stuff is already entering the stores, and I need to know what to buy, and when to buy a turkey. They sell fast!"

"Mykes," Micah lowered the paper, turning to look at his sister. "It's just us two. We don't need a turkey."

"Well, what if I wanted to invite more people, hm?" Mykailla sassed, turning around and placing her wet hands on her hips, not caring that she was putting damp handprints on her jeans. "What if I wanted to invite mom? What if I wanted to invite the cousins? What if want to invite--"

"You hate our family." Micah chuckled. "You wouldn't invite them."

"I--!.." Mykailla huffed. "Okay, not completely true. I like Mandy, Tommy, Jake, and Leo."

"Four cousins, out of, what, like, a hundred?"

Maybe not quite a hundred, but close.

They had a large family. On both sides.

Mykailla rolled her eyes, turning back around. "Whatever."

"Besides," Micah continued. "They all live, like, nowhere near where we are."



"I guess." Mykailla sighed. ".. What about mom, though?"

"I don't know." Micah shrugged, looking back at the paper. "She's in Germany, now, I think she said. I don't think she'll be able to get time off enough to travel down here, stay for Thanksgiving, and a little longer."

"True." Mykailla murmured quietly.

She paused, setting down the plate she was rinsing. She turned around again. "Micah?"

"Hm?" He hummed, setting the paper down and circling a couple things.

"When did mom tell you she was in Germany?"

Micah shrugged. "About a month or so after you left."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Mykailla glared slightly.

"Didn't seem pertinent to anything, really." He looked up at her briefly. "Sorry..?"

Mykailla 'hmph'd, turning back around and finishing her dishes.

"Are you mad?" Micah asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No, of course not." Mykailla replied with a small shrug. ".. I just wish you would have at least told me soon after I got home. Not, like, a month later." She shrugged again, rinsing the last dishes and setting them in the rack. "I'm not mad, though. Don't worry." She wiped her hands on her jeans. "Come dry."

"Yes ma'am." Micah chuckled and stood, then walked over. Mykailla smiled, and tossed him a dry towel. He caught it with ease, and Mykailla chuckled, as he started drying the dishes.

"So, did you find any jobs you might want?"

"Oh, yeah. There's a couple. There's one with..."


"Guys, I'm freaking out." Ricky blurted, pacing around the bus.

"What about--? Rick, would you stay out of the way of the TV?" Vinny huffed.

A More Severe Case Of Frenemies //Ricky Olson FanFic [C]Where stories live. Discover now