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Yesterday was ok. I mean, I guess Sehun isn't that bad. Today we have shootings again even though I would just want lie on my bed.

I happily marched to the cafe where Chanyeol works. It has become like my routine. I wake up and then go to the cafe and then I would go tot the movie set.

"Hi Chanyeol" I said and he came to me.

"Hi" he said and smiled.

"So I'll take the usual" I said just like always.

"I kinda knew that so it's almost ready" he said and chuckled.

So I guess Chanyeol has also noticed that I come here like every morning.

"Really?" I said and laughed a bit.

"Yep" he said and popped the 'p'.

"So you've been stalking me cause you knew that I would come" I said and lifted my eyebrows.

He looked like I had just accused him about something.

"N-no" he laughed awkwardly and schratched his nape. "I mean it's hard to not notice when you come here like every day" he continued.

I smiled and then laughed a bit. "Relax, just messing with you" I said and laughed a bit.

He then started to laugh also.

"I think I need to go or I'll be late" I said and glanced my wrist watch.

"Oh okay. See you" Chanyeol said and smiled.

Then I left and walked happily to the movie set. Today was a good day, it felt like it.

When I arrived Sehun wasn't there yet so I went to my dressing room. I changed my clothes.

When I got out of the dressing room I saw that Sehun had arrived. A smile curved to my lips. I walked to him and poked him on his back.

"Hi" I said and smiled. He turned around and smiled to me.

"Hi" he said.

"So I'm already ready. You probably should go and get ready" I said and pointed his dressing room.

"Yeah" Sehun said a bit nervously. I lifted my eyebrow.


"Can I....I. Can I get a..."


"CanIgetamorninghug?" he asked super fast so I had no I idea what he said.

"What? Say slower"

He took a deep sigh. "Can I...get a morning hug?" he asked and tryied to avoid eye contact.

I was a bit shocked. I mean this kid is going places. I just stared at him about a minute until I smiled to him and hugged him.

He seemed surprised but soon hugged me back.

I let go and I left to my stylist, leaving him staring at me.


We filmed many scenes today. I was exhausted and I asked my driver to come since I was so tired.

While I was waiting the driver I saw Sehun coming out of the building. He laughed with some girl that's also in the movie. Her name was Park Jihyun. She was really famous actor too.

I smiled at Sehun who didn't seem to notice me. Something inside me felt...weird. I don't know. I guess it's just cause he's my friend and...ugh! You know what I mean.

"Hi" I said to Sehun who hadn't seen me earlier.

"Oh hi Baekhyun, didn't see you there". Yeah I noticed...

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