
395 17 19

A.N: Unwhitewashed pics of kpop idols are the best❤️

I opened the door of my house. It was dark and quiet except the sound of my tv. I tilted my head in confusion. I don't remember leaving the tv on.

I was just stopping by at my house before going to Baekhyun's. I needed to apologize from him.

I walked further inside and towards the sound. I soon reached my living room and a movie was playing from the tv. Then I noticed a figure on the couch. My eyes widened slightly. Has someone broken in?

I walked cautiously closer. A faint light from the tv is just enough for me to recognize the person's face.

"Baekhyun?" I say aloud and then cover my mouth with my hands. I don't want to wake him up.

He has fallen asleep on the couch. His mouth slightly parted and quiet little snores coming from his mouth. I smile at the scene in front of me. I sit next to him carefully to not wake him up. I move delicately his bangs from his eyes.

He looks so cute and peacefu-. Wait how did he get inside. I look at him with a frown and then chuckle.

"Aren't you full of surprises" I say quietly and stroke his cheek. I turn the tv off and sigh.

I notice he has eaten some snacks and they are placed on the floor. I take them to the trash can and then return to Baekhyun. I pick him up in a bridal style and walk to my bedroom. I lay him carefully on the bed and then put the covers on him. Then I kneel next to him.

"I can't believe you are actually dating me. I mean I always thought that you hated me. But you fell for me so easily. It only makes this whole thing worse because I can see how you care for me and I see the way you look at me. I'm so sorry you have to go through this. I wish this wouldn't have happened to you", I sigh and my shoulders sink, "I just... please stay strong Baekhyun, you deserve better" I say and look at him sadly.

"I'm also sorry about today. I promise to make it up to you" I say and take his hand in mine. It's smaller than mine. I smile and kiss his forehead.

Then I hear my message sound and take my phone from my pocket and see a text from Jongin.

Coming over now.

I sigh and get up. I walk downstairs and open the front door. Jongin grins and walks inside.

"Why did you come now?" I say quietly, not wanting to wake Baekhyun up.

"What you mean? I was bored and I want to talk about yesterday, I mean that girl you left with from the club yesterday was hot. Did you guys do it?" he asks with a smirk on his lips. Sometimes I wonder how can he be such a pervert.

"I don't know...?" I say but it turns out to sound like a question. Jongin frowns and I see the confusion in his eyes.

"What do you mean you don't know? I mean if I were you I would've tapped that ass"

"Shh. Can you quiet down a bit?" I say and hold my index finger on my lips.

"Why?" he asks and lifts his eyebrow.

"Baekhyun is sleeping..." I say slightly unsure but I say it anyway. Again Jongin looks confused.

"Who the hell is Baekhyun? Another one night stand? Wow bro, you wild" he says and chuckles.

"No! We are dating" I whisper-yell.

"Dating? Um... okay. Are you sure because yesterday..."

"I know I know... but I was drunk and I'm not even sure if we did it" I say and frown.

The One {Sebaek/Baekhun}Where stories live. Discover now