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"Happy Birthday to you, said a mysyerious voice in my head as I swatted the air and told it to shut up.

It didn't stop and gradually increased in volume til I just had to open my eyes to see my dad, my brother, and my best friend Lily around me singing Happy Birthday. I smiled and thanked them while secretly planning their murders since they know I hate being woking up early, but you know, family love right?

Oh yeah, I should probably introduce myself. Hi, my name is what, my name is what, my name is wiki wiki slim shady. No my name is actually Grace, but it would be so cool to be Eminem. I'm 18 years, I have dirty blonde hair, and blue eyes, and I'm 5'7. I'm also a werewolf.
As I was plotting the doom of the rest of my family, my dad and brother left the room, and Lily bring the fashinista she was, was pulling put clothes from my closet while yelling at me to get my ass in the bathroom because I smelled like a 3 year old, stale, vanilla pop tart.

Of course I paid no heed to her words of wisdom and kept staring at blank space, but since my best friend is a bitch, I got assaulted by multiple of my very own defenseless sweatshirts and when I tried to defend myself, I was too weak so that's how I ended in the shower, half awake, and wondering why death is an option that I haven't attempted.

As I got out the bathroom, I saw that Lily was nowhere to be found so I considered myself safe, that is until I saw the most uncomfortable thing in my life. SHE BROUGHT A FRICKLE FRACKLING DRESS. HOW DARE SHE?!! OH SHE'S GONNA GET IT! I was about to March downstairs to tell her I wasn't wearing it then I remembered that my best friend was just as crazy as me and would probably force me to wear it, well that or refuse to let me out of my room without it.

So I wore with with many complaints from my heart, soul, body and deer especially my feet. Next time, I should really hide my dresses so she doesn't go Chanel on me but she always find them.

I finished dressing up and went downstairs so I could greet my wonderful friend of whom goes by the name, food. Oh food, thou fillest me with satisfaction. Thou maketh my tummy full and happy. Oh how I loveth thee. Just wanted to ekt u know how much I loved food.

As I walked into the dining area, I saw a sight that should never be seen by anybody in their life, my whole frigging family was cheating on me with my bae, food. I just stood there and stared at them in shock, anger, and most importantly, hunger.

I snatched all the pancakes, eggs, and bacon from their plates, and ate them all in one bite while Lily was staring at me with a burning hatred and ny brother, Jared, was seemingly planning my death by the minute. My dad was just going on about his day and enjoying his delicious food.

You would think that by eating that much food everyday, I would be fat, but since I'm a werewolf, I get special priveleges which means I can't get fat which also means more food for Grace forever until I probably die of eating too much McDonald's.

After Lily finished eating, which took forever, I grabbed my backpack, phone, and headed out to the garage to pick out the car that would be exploited today. You may be thinking, wow she's spoiled and you're right but if you stay saltalicious, there will be no free rides in the 1987 Chevy Impala(if u know where this is from, I absolutely adore you). I looked around trying to find one apropriate for school and ended up with a dark red ferrari that was about the same color as my skirt.

I pulled the key out of the holder and Lily and I clambered ungracefully into the sleek car. I clapped to open the garage door, reserved the car out, and started riding in style. As I started driving, I felt a sinking feeling in my stomach, so I asked my wolf, Mary, was the problem was, and she replied saying,

"I don't know but I guess we'll find out."

I quickly mindlinked my reply and turned on the radio because I had the aux cord and bad things happen when I get the aux cord.


Kill me, I spent like an 1 hr editing all the mistakes so this chapter isn't too much trash, hope you enjoy it or not. Don't be too pessimistic.

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