Lonely Lady

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About 10 minutes later, we arrived at the butthole we call school and got the car in like slow motion. It was like in those movies where the mean girls get out the car looking like the boss, but we're not the mean girl, and I don't have a fan blowing my hair like it's slaying in the wind.

As soon as we got out the car, we commanded our personal male servants carry us to the car. I wish that happened but we just had to have legs, maybe I should cut my legs off. As I was pondering if I should cut off legs, Lily tapped me and said," When we get into there, remember to slay like a queen."

And I knew that the time had came for me to slay like the Queen I am. So we slowly opened the door, and started doing the weirdest dances we could think of, while walking to our lockers. We did the funky chicken, sprinkler and Lily even did a weird zombie kind of dance.

We were getting weird looks from the populars, the goths, the nerds and geeks, and even that one boy that always smells like dog poop. We payed the haters no mind and kept slaying to our locker.

When we got to our locker, we burst into laughter and fell on the floor unanimously while increasing in laughter. We stated there for a few minutes, until we realized that the bell would ring in like 2 minutes so we rushed up and opened our lockers.

When Lily opened hers it was cleaner than that Mr. Clean man, then I opened mine, and the whole world fell out of it (lowkey my locker at the end of the year). I'm not kidding, you could find weeks of assignments, homework, and food in the mess, and since my science homework was in there somewhere, I had to get dirty and get it and with me and Lily it took like 5 minutes making us both late. I grabbed all my binders, and stuffed all the junk back in there, knowing it would come back to bite me in the booty later.

After that, Lily and I headed out to our various classes. As I approached the Science door, I heard noise so I figured I could just sneak in like a slick ass ninja.

I quietly opened the door, and tried sneaking in, when suddenly all noise ceased, and a bunch of beady eyes were looking at me like them birds from Finding Nemo.

I stood up form my position laughing and scratching the back of my neck. I gave the teacher a nervous look saying, " Ey, Yo, Teach give your favorite student a pass."

While she looked at me deadpanned saying," Ms. Thomas, you have a lunch detention while giving me a pink slip with my room number."

I grabbed it hastily from her hand, and thought in my head, " This is why nobody will ever love you." Or I thought, I accidentally said it underneath my breath, and apparently the whole class heard me and erupted in laughter while teach gave me the stink eye, but couldn't do much more because the limit a student can get detention is 1 per ay so no matter what the teachers want, I can do as much crazy shit as possible and they can only punish me once.

She started saying something about an alpha party, but I was long gone by dress and heels. Pretty soon I heard the bell, and rushed out that classroom faster than the dickens.

Then I arrived at English, and we learned about conjunctions. After that the next stop was Geometry, where we did a Mad Libs. Finally, I had Social Studies where we learned about the cold war.

I was tired as fudge after all that learning, and my brain felt like a bakes potato, so I was so glad lunch was here, and it was the last subject of the day. Them I remembered I had lunch so had to eat my lunch in silence with some crusty ass people and a fat bald teacher. So I got out my phone, and told Lily that I couldn't make it to lunch. I grabbed my lunch from the cafeteria, and headed to room 906, hoping this wouldn't be as bad as it seemed.

I reached the door, and grabbed the doorknob to see a sight never before seen. Oh Lord!


I just want to thank pandaluna_i_peace for inspiration for chapter one. Thanks, but your still annoying.

If you have any questions:
IG: ms.amaze_berries
SC: lilspark34
Email: lilspark34@gmail.com

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