Act 1; Part 4

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"Those you cannot see can still see you"

You sighed as you walked along the busy streets of Tokyo. It was currently evening time, but it was hard to tell with all the lights in the city illuminating the streets. You really wished you had grabbed Lichts number when you had the chance, it would have been so much easier for you. Then again he did not look like he wanted to associate with you at all. Then you thoughts went back to Hyde, it was like your thoughts were drawn to him. Then again, with a personality like that, it made you curious. You wanted to know more about him.

You needed a break, probably somewhere you can rest and get your thoughts together. Just on turn of your head and you found a little cafe right next to you. A smile appeared on your face as you found the perfect spot.

You stepped through the door, and almost immediately the aroma of coffee wafted through the air. It was also slightly warmer in the cafe, and you found it quite a comfortable place.

"Welcome~" A song song voice greeted you. The voice sounded all too familiar. A familiar tuft of blonde hair, and the shine of crimson eyes made your eyes slightly widen. Standing in front of you was Lawless, in a waiters uniform. His eyes took one look at you and slightly widened as well. You both paused for a moment looking at each other before you both pointed your fingers at one another.

"EHHH?! IT'S YOU!" You both screamed out loud. The people already inside the cafe stared at you two creating an awkward tension. Your cheeks turned pink in embarrassment, so you cleared your throat and composed yourself.

"I-I didn't expect to see you here La-Hyde." You corrected yourself, you didn't know why that other name came into your head.

"What do you mean? I work here of course~" He stated.

"Eh?" You repeated confused.

"You can work?" You asked. Lawless clutched his chest as he can feel an invisible arrow pierce through his chest.

"What does that mean?! Are you saying just because I'm a you know what I can't fit in?!"


Lawless looked at you like he was crying, but it felt like he was putting on a show. You sweat dropped not knowing how to respond, so you just stared as he dramatically moved about before you.

"You know what. I'll forgive you this time! So what's your order?" He asked.

"Um, just a (fave hot drink; coffee, tea, hot chocolate, etc."

"Coming right up!~"

Lawless couldn't believe it, out of all the places, his workplace had to be where you two met up again. He went into the kitchen heaving a big sigh, he figured he should just put up with her presence for now. He couldn't help his frustration rising as he got the drink you ordered.

Again he went out to where you were sitting, and he felt like he was entranced when he looked at you. The lenient posture, your (h/c) hair, your eyes shining just like how familiar he felt in the past. It took his mind a lot of screaming to snap out of it.

"Your order Miss!~" He said playfully winking and placing the drink on the table. A tiny smile etched on your face as you took it from him. Once again your smile over took his senses as he felt his heart beat skip. However one flash of another scene made his emotions dull down again.

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