Tragedy (part two)

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Mikhial gripped his pillow and stuffy dragon when he was asleep, whimpering softly. He was having a nightmare about looking for his brother in the woods.  He called out for Nicha, holding a flashlight out and peeking around. 

"Niiichaaa!" he cried worriedly, bending down to see if he was in this little cove under a tree. All that welcomed him was an unsettling pair of glowing red eyes, which belonged to a racoon. He got up and kept his search. "I'm scared... Nicha... where are you?" he tried very hard to keep himself off of the brink of bursting out crying, as he heard a growl come from behind him. He turned, and looked up. It was a big wolf, and it's muzzle was bloody. And with it, it began chasing Mikhial, just as the forest lit up on fire. Mikhial ran, and managed to climb up a tree, as he cried uncontrollably. He was slowly being suffocated by the fumes and smoke, and he woke up, shaking.

The house was filled with smoke, and he slipped out of his bed, getting his hoodie and short shorts on. Mikhial's vision was tinted with orange, and his tired body quickly woke with desperation once he realized the situation. He could hear Nicha crying.  He stumbled and hurt himself tripping over a burning beam. "N-no!! I need Nicha!" He cried, quickly getting back up and bursting through the door. Nicha's crib was surrounded by fire. Mikhial yelped out of shock, and quickly ran back to find a nearby fire extinguisher, and grabbed it from the floor. He put out the fire and scooped up Nicha, unzipping part of his hoodie so Nicha didn't have to breathe in the fumes. 

"Now for mommy and dad." He sniffled, and he felt weak once he saw his parents under debris. He screamed and shook, sobbing and holding Nicha close to his chest. He burned his paw and fell to his side, doing his best to shield Nicha from harm. Mikhial stumbled and limped towards the front door... he couldn't take the pressure, shock or pain anymore. He managed to grab the knob and open the door, before falling on his side again, and began blacking out. Two fire trucks pulled up, with an ambulance. He croaked for help, then everything went black.

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