Chapter 27

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Hey! Sorry I haven't updated in a while LOL :)

ANYWAY... here's chapter 27 (unedited, of course, haha):

"Who do you think possessed you? Anyone have any suspects? Suspicions?" Burgundy asked.

Fortis raised his hand. "I think that the person, or rather, creature who possessed Lustria was THE SPIDER. The one that gave us scratches. The one that killed Lady Amelia. The one that Riley saw. Who else could it be? I remember you telling us a story, about how the Sorceress of Turstab died. She died fighting the spider. She only managed to damage the spider slightly, leaving a missing chunk, right out of the side of his hairy head. This is the same spider. Coming back to get revenge on the descendants of Turstab and Turstab Academy itself. Make sense?"

"I agree with Fortis !" Lustria bobbed her head.

"So, some crazy head spider wants revenge on us, and was the one who possessed Lustria?" Neeva confirmed.

"YES!" everyone yelled in unison.

"Eaque inquam, qui possedit te, et auferes malum tollendum. Sine ut mala, relinquam! Eaque inquam, qui possedit te, et auferes malum tollendum. Sine ut mala, relinquam! Eaque inquam, qui possedit te, et auferes malum tollendum. Sine ut mala, relinquam! Eaque inquam, qui possedit te, et auferes malum tollendum. Sine ut mala, relinquam! Eaque inquam, qui possedit te, et auferes malum tollendum. Sine ut mala, relinquam!" Burgundy shouted.

A green light erupted in the room.
Suddenly, Lustria belched a green aura.

She hyperventilated. She screamed, and it hurt.

The green aura transformed into a shape. A spider, at that.

"WHAT WAS THAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?" Lustria was aghast," What did you do, Burgundy? Trying to kill me? Run! Burgundy is trying to kill us!"

"No! Lustria, I am NOT trying to kill you!" Burgundy eyes widened.

"The spell he recited. That was to take away the evil spirit that was in you.

No, I mean the spider's spirit," Aevum explained.

"Are you sure?" Lustria narrowed her eyes in suspicion.

"Yes, Lustria!" Burgundy was starting to lose his patience.

"Okay. I am now satisfied. I am now satisfied," Lustria told him.

"Since Lustria brought up the topic, that is what today's, or rather, tonight's lesson will be about. I have to tell you something about your past. Oh, it happened, long ago. I remember that day as clear as ever, and I always will. I am going to talk to you about Rosemary Celeste. Neeva, she was your great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandmother. Neeva's last name is Celeste, for those of you who don't know. Rosemary Celeste found the dead Sorceress of Turstab and knew that it was her grandmother. In honor of her grandmother, she created an academy and named it Turstab Academy, as you know. The reason she created an academy, was that she wanted to avenge her grandmother. So, she trained the students to fight back against the spider and to kill it, once and for all. Rosemary died in the Spider War. Rosemary almost killed the spider, but, he overpowered Rose. We all must honor what the great Rosemary Celeste did for our world. She started the first school. She was a truly wonderful person," Burgundy finished.

"My mother told me about her. Rosemary Celeste. We have a self-portrait drawing of her. It is very old. She was a very kind and beautiful woman, at least from what I heard. My mom tells me 'stories'. Stories of my heroic ancestors. But, I have one question for Burgundy that Lustria asked, and he never answered to that. How old are you? Tell us the truth," Neeva disclosed.

"Oh. Ha! I thought I already told you how old I was. Yeah, why do you need to know again?" Burgundy chuckled nervously.

They all shot him down with stares.

"Okay. I will tell you. I am 22 years old."

They all raised their eyebrows.

"Come on! You don't believe me?! I feel offended. My age is one of my deepest, darkest secrets!"

"That's why we want to know."

"I am 50 generations old. Simple. I am a creature of the Light World. I fight against creatures of the Dark World. The spider is a creature of the Dark World. The creatures of the Dark World have been aroused. They only have one goal. And that is to destroy. Destroy anything possible. Anytime. Anywhere. Any amount. You pay them with something, and they'll kill. Kill so many, it's hard to believe. And I am telling you all this because I care. I care about the fate of the Light World. About Turstab. About you. Oh yes, Rose was just a little girl when I met her. We became very good friends," Burgundy looked back on his life.


Thanks for reading my writing rambles from a couple of years ago :P

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